[ 50 ]

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hi, welcome to the 50th chapter of opposites attract. We're almost coming to an end here, well not almost but we're getting there.

There's still a lot of dramas and fluff to deal with. im glad Oliver×Kaylen had come this far with ur support. Ilysm💕


Oliver ran through the corridors heading towards the dungeons. His feet striding as fast as he could.

He had expected her to have waited for him at the Entrance Hall after the game, just as she said. But she wasn't there.

It didn't bother him at first.

So he checked at the library for her, but she wasn't there either.

Oliver had not seen her at the Great Hall either nor at the Black Lake. He had searched the whole castle for her, but no trace and it was starting to worry him.

Oliver could only hope she was at the Slytherin common room or at her dorm.

When he finally arrived in front of the skull portrait, it was also a coincidence that Liana had stumbled out upon it, her face painted panic.

When Liana met gaze with Oliver's. They exchanged the same urge of panic to where the girl was.

"Kaylen's brother..." Liana breathed.

And in an instant, Oliver understood. He calmed down a bit but the worries were still visibly shaking him up.


"So, you're saying Len's brother got into a serious quidditch injury that led him into a coma?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I explained, Fred."

"She's in St. Mungos right now?"

"Yes, George. At least that's what Dumbledore said." Liana answered.

They had went to Dumbledore to ask about the girl's whereabouts, knowing she didn't just disappear coincidentally after she announced in her letter she left unto Liana's bed that Kleo was in a critical condition.

The words were scribbled down the parchment messily. Kaylen had probably sent it through owl.

Dumbledore said she was at St. Mungos to see her brother, and he had also announced to them that Kleo was now alright. Which made them relax a little.

"No wonder I never seen her around the quidditch pitch." Fred commented, lying down the grass by his back.

They were sitting comfortably on the grass outside the pitch. Liana explaining to the twins about what happened with Kaylen and where she's at.

"Well, at least we know she's alright, don't worry mate." George patted Oliver, who still looked concern.

"Now that you mention it, our brother Charlie did mention about the Puddlemere's lost of keeper." George said in nostalgia.

"Didn't really know who, at that time though. We're not really a big fan of Puddlemere United's quidditch team." Fred shrugged, pulling Liana down to the grass with him.

"Don't be ridiculous! Puddlemere's the best there is!" Oliver exclaimed exasperatedly.

"Are you saying that because Kaylen's brother is used to be a player of the team?" George raised an brow, grinning along with his twin.

"Puddlemere's have always been great. And why wouldn't I support the team my girlfriend's brother used to play for?" Oliver blurted.

And everyone froze.

Fred, George and Liana's jaw had dropped to the ground in shock. Oliver furrowed his eyebrows at them, before he processed what he just said, and his eyes widened.

"Did I just-?" he stopped, stammering over his words.

That was not how he scripted when they would reveal their relationship at all.

"Did you just say she was your girlfriend? Yes." Liana said, a smirk growing on her face.

"FINALLY!!" The twins chanted, patting the scot boy at the back showing their support, whilst Oliver looked down with a blush.

"It finally crossed your thick brain to ask her!" George cheered and the scot boy rolled his eyes.

They talked for a while, about mostly today's game to which the Gryffindors had won at, much to Oliver's pleasure. They would be entering the finals.

And he had a bigger chance to win that house cup now. He tried to drown away the worries of Kaylen at the moment as he joined in the conversation. But he couldn't help but think about her.


Oliver walked towards the Owlery, with letters in hand. He wandered around the tower, looking for an owl to choose to deliver his letters.

He had two letters in hand. One for Kaylen and the other is for his mum, who is a Healer at St. Mungos.

Oliver found one owl and tied Kaylen's letter on its ankle. He gave the owl sweets before letting it fly away to send his message.

Next he sighed as he looked over at the words of the letter he was planning on sending his mum.

Oliver smiled and hoped the idea was nice and appreciated. He'd hope it would work and could make Kaylen cheer up.

He'd ask for her mother's help on this one.

"Alright, please send this to mum. She's in St. Mungos." he mumbled to the owl who hooted in understanding.

He tied the letter to it's ankle before letting it soar away to send it.

Oliver smiled to himself as he left the Owlery tower. Hoping that his idea would work to cheer Kaylen up.

But it neither did. Instead, if he even would know, it would result the other way he expected it.

Oliver shouldn't have thought of that idea. It was going to be a mistake.

Hi mum,

How's work? You're probably busy and before you freak out. No, I did not do anything wrong for me to randomly send you a letter. Your son is fine. I just have a favor to ask. A big one.

You see, I have a friend there at St. Mungos whose brother is in a coma. He was in a critical condition so my friend had to visit him. Can you do me a favor and buy a toy quaffle and a toy bludger and send it to his ward as a get well soon card?

Thank you so much, mum. I love you. I know work is busy but please do me this one favour. I love you, and tell dad to take care.


Oliver xx

Yes merlin, it was going to be a mistake.



he's dumb but i love him. ^^

He's being thoughtful here but I will not let this opportunity slip to spice up some drama ;)

After this intense angst and argument, you can have your fluffs later :)


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