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The week passing have been rather eventful and fun for them to say the least. A little sneaky holding hands were often done under the table during classes for Oliver and Kaylen.

Though, they weren't so open with their unlabeled relationship. They still let the other know that they still like them, and they're still there for them.

It was hard to keep it a secret between the friendship group, though. Since the twins and Liana were so eager to get it out from them what's been happening between them.

So when they told them, they weren't sure what they'd call themselves as yet. They were left with mouth hanged open.

To be honest, what she and Oliver was now were enough for Kaylen.

She likes the constant butterflies whenever they talk, she likes the frequent touches and soft forehead kisses.

She likes the supporting arm Oliver gave her whenever she almost accidentally slips, she likes how they mostly stared at each other admiringly.

She likes how their tutoring continued, how she sat there teaching him while he often gets distracted by simply gazing at her adoringly, the shameless flirting, and small teasing sneaky pecks on the lips.

It was enough to satisfy Kaylen with what they have.

It had also grown to the blonde when Oliver accidentally spill out something about quidditch. Somehow, she didn't tense up anymore.

Whether it was the fact that she only listened to see the glint spark of face Oliver makes whenever he talks about quidditch with so much passion, or maybe because she didn't blame the game anymore.

Kaylen had grown to understand that quidditch didn't only impacted her brother's coma, it also brought happiness to him.

She finally understood that in that situation, no one was there to blame. The incident happen, and so it did.

Even if she'd gone back in time to stop Kleo from playing quidditch, he wouldn't. Because Kaylen knew deep down, her brother loves the game with so much passion.

And the same goes for Oliver.

She simply cannot stop him from loving what he admired. And she'd called herself lucky he even decided to be with her after she told him how much she despised the game he loves.

Kaylen might not admit it herself, but she found her hatred compress as she thought of this.

Though, there was still a twinge of anger inside her towards the game. But not as huge as she felt it before.

Kaylen had now accepted, quidditch was not the one to blame for his brother's almost occurring death. No one was.

And she had allowed Oliver to talk freely about the game he loves so much. And she'd listen, without tensing up.

Slowly, but surely, Kaylen knew he was her weak spot.

Though, they didn't instantly connect. They were inseparable.

It's not how similar they were, it was how different they've grown.

Now, she sat beside Liana in the ground, having a picnic on her best spot beside the Black Lake.

She handed a sandwich to the brunette whose been asking for it, and Liana received it and quickly took a bite of it.

"Where's the twins?"


Kaylen immediately understood, as she gone back to reading Romeo and Juliet for almost a fifth times.

Opposites Attract | Oliver Wood ✔Where stories live. Discover now