Dark and Empty Hall

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I walk this dark and empty hall,

Alone with my thoughts.

That can be good,

Or bad,

Depending on my state of mind when I come here.

I walk this dark and empty hall,

Alone with my thoughts.

Listening to my memories,

Like whispers in my ear,

Telling me things that I sometimes wish to forget.

I walk this dark and empty hall,

Alone with my thoughts.

Faces of people I once knew,

Flash before my eyes,

Bringing back tears that were once dried.

I walk this dark and empty hall,

Alone with my thoughts.

I stop and put on my headphones,

Momentarily leaving the hall,

Before coming back with music in my ears,

To drown out the whispers.

I walk this dark and empty hall,

Alone with my thoughts.

Flashes still play before my eyes,

Like watching a movie from the past,

But there is no sound,

Just the sad music playing in my ears to match my mood.

I walk this dark and empty hall,

Alone with my thoughts.

My mind is like a maze,

This is just one section,

This dark and empty hall.

I come here to think,

To reflect,

So I won't forget.

To remember the times I had

With people I once knew.

I walk this dark and empty hall in my mind,

Alone with my thoughts.

Praying they remember me,

As I remember them.

Now I walk this bright and crowded hall,

No longer alone with my thoughts.

People surround me on all sides,

People who I care about,

And who care about me.

People in the present,

And whom I shall not soon forget.

I walk this bright and crowded hall,

No longer alone with my thoughts,

But with friends,

Laughing and talking.


As I make new memories.

Poems by MeWhere stories live. Discover now