Big Time Bad Boy

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I sat listening to the guys with Kelly and my dad, they were getting good, but they needed to be better. The song finished and I took off my headphones as Logan punched Carlos in the face. That boy gets hit just about every day.

"Gustavo the song is great," Kendall said as we walked in.

"Of course it is, I wrote it," I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"But the band isn't great, what's missing is the secret rock and roll ingredient," He continued.

The boys listed off several horrible additions, but all of them were turned down.

"No... the bad boy," My dad finished.

"There is no way in hell any of them could be a bad boy," I said laughing.

"Are you sure 'cause I say it's Kendall,"

"Dad Kendall's not gonna turn his back in his friends or dress in dark clothing," I stated.

"You just wait,"

"Gustavo, why do we need a bad boy?" Kendall asked.

My dad snapped his fingers, in turn Kelly pulled out a phone a played back Griffins message.

"Gustavo, it's Griffin. The Band needs a bad boy...Bye,"

"He's driving me CRAZY," My dad yelled.

"But he's also right, cause the bad boy is a rock and roll tradition," I continued.

We proceeded to go look at some of the old band posters, showing the guys what a bad boy was.

"Notice the back turned to the rest of the band," My dad said.

"Bad boy," I stated.

"Notice the back turned, the dark clothing, the scowl," He said moving to the next picture.

"Bad boy," I repeated.

"But there can only be one bad boy per group, as learned from the bad boy experiment of '95" Kelly said.

"Didn't sell a single CD," I said shaking my head.

"But we're best friends, we never turn our backs on each other," Kendall said.

"Told you," I whispered.

"Yeah not gonna happen," The guys stated.

"Let me tell you something else, the bad boy is also the most popular member of the band, makes the most money, and dates the hottest models," My dad said.

All the guys but Kendall were now determined to be the bad boy, each of them stating 'I can be bad' while turning their backs. The guys were not cut out to be bad, maybe bad as in not good, but nothing else.

-Palm Woods-

Kendall and I followed behind the guys as they acted like 'bad boys', if that's what you even call it. I was so embarrassed as they continued to shout and be 'bad'.

"How long do you think this will last?" I asked Kendall.

"Too long,"

We continued up towards 2j, where Logan pushed open the door screaming, while scaring Ms.Knight in the process.

"Yo yo, what's up mama Knight," Logan said.

Carlos mooned the people out by the pool, while James smashed a water bottle on his head, I wasn't sure how any of this is bad.

"Gustavo say's one of us needs to be the bad boy," Kendall explained.

"But you're all nice boys," Ms.Knight said.

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