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"Back off!" I yelled at Carlos while we played the game.

"No you, I'm just trying to help out!"

"By stealing my kills?"

"I'm not stealing!"

"Will you two shut up!" Mama Knight yelled.

"Sorry," We said in unison.

Before I could get back to the game, I got a call from my dad. He informed me that Griffin wanted to have a meeting with me and the guys, so we packed up our things and headed out.

*Rocque Records*

"What took you so long?" My dad asked as we walked in.

"We had to finish a game, what do you want?" I asked nodding towards Griffin.

"Well first I want some respect, I have a name. Second I want a duet, from you,"

"Alright, with which one of us?" Kendall asked.

"All of you, I want you to record with each of the guys and then I'll choose,"

"Got it, write a duet and sing it with each of the guys...easy,"

"I don't think you got it, I want you to write four different duets for each of the guys,"

"What?!? Why?"

"Because I don't know who the fans want you to sing with, so it's better to have a song with each of the guys,"

"You know what fine, but I want more money,"

"Done, just make it happen,"

Smiling to myself, I walked over to the couch and sat down, ready to write the music. I decided I'd do two love songs because they seemed the easiest to write in such a short period of times.

"What are you doing?" My dad asked.

"Writing the songs?" I replied confused.

"Not here, I have a meeting and you're not gonna ruin it... that means go home and do it,"

"Ugh, fine,"

The guys and I headed back to the Palm Woods, we decided to make a schedule for writing and recording the song.

"Alright, who's first?" I asked.

"Me!" James said.

"Great! Any ideas on a song?"

"You know maybe Kendall can go first," James said walking away.

"Really? Helping turned you away?"

"Yep, call me when you've written the song,"

Kendall shrugged his shoulders and agreed he'd go first. Logan said he'd go last and Carlos didn't care when, so I'd guess I'll just call James later. Deciding the Palm Woods was too loud, Kendall and I headed to my place.


"So...where do we start?" I asked.

"Maybe the genre?" Kendall replied.

"Yeah so I was think a love song since that's what most duets are,"

"Sure, whatever you wanna write," He said scratching his neck.

"What's up with you?" I asked squinting my eyes.

"Well it's just that I've put a lot of thought into it and I want to try this out," He said pointing between him and I.

"You want to be a couple? Have you broken up with Jo?"


"Then we can't be anything more than friends,"

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