Big Time Jobs

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"I don't care Mikey, you need to get a job and pay for these damages," My dad said.

"But what about the guys, they do it too?" I protested.

"I'll talk to them later, but you are the most expensive. Last week you caused one thousand dollars in damage, just in the house,"

"Where am I supposed to get a job then?"

"I don't know, figure it out, I'm heading to the studio. I'll be expecting fifteen hundred dollars by tomorrow,"

I can't believe my dad was making me get a job, I've never had a job in my life. I'm fine with working, but I'm not sure I have the qualifications to do anything.I texted Camille asking her for help, she decided just to come over to my house.

"You could do acting?"

"I need the money by tomorrow,"

"How's that gonna work, even if you did get an actual job, it would take two weeks to get your first check,"

"I don't know, ask my dad, he thinks money just appears out of thin air,"

"Got anything to sell?"

"No, my dad and I donated all my old clothes and toys when we redid my room,"

"Did your mom leave anything behind?"

"You want me to sell my mothers things?"

"Well I was just thinking, she left them behind for so many years, so..."

"lets go look,"

We headed to my moms room, when they were going through the divorce, she requested her own room. We opened the door to see a bunch of things still lying around.

"It's dusty in here," Camille complained.

"Yeah well I don't think my dad wanted to remember her in any way,"

"She left behind a two hundred dollar coat, with the tags still on it?!?" Camille yelled.

"Really?" I walked over interested.

"Do you think she'll mind if we sell it?"

"Last time I talked to her, she kicked me out of my own home, so no, I don't think she'll mind,"

Camille and I began to tear apart the room, looking for anything that had value. Half way into the dig, we got a call from Katie.

"Do you know of any good photographers, James needs a job and he wants to be a model," Katie said.

"Yeah, I can send you a number. Does he really think modeling is the way to go?"

"Yeah and I'm gonna be his manager, meaning I get half of the money,"

"That's my girl, call me and tell me how much you get,"

"Okay, bye"

I hung up the phone and continued to dig, finding a ring with a price tag still on it.

"Whoa, a brand new ring worth five hundred," I said showing Camille.

"Throw it in the pile I made by the door,"

My phone rang again about an hour into digging. This time it was Kendall.

"How does one take care of kids?" Kendall asked.

"How would I know?"

"Cause you're more responsible than us?"

"Don't think so. Why are you taking care of kids?"

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