Big Time Gold

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"Mikey!" Carlos yelled.

"What?" I yelled back.




"What the hell do you want!" I yelled, getting up and stomping out of my room.

"Wow, rude...we're going to the studio to check out the golden record, we wanna see what it sounds like,"

"My dad will never let you lay a finger on it,"

"Yeah, but we're still gonna,"

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head, knowing they'd most likely destroy the record. Thinking it would be funny to see my dad suffer karma, I grabbed my bag.

"Let's go,"

*Rocque Records*

"You are not touching the record!" My dad yelled.

"Why not? Don't you think because it's gold, is gonna sound amazing!" Carlos cheered.

I gave a questioning look, consider that didn't make sense. Making my way towards the couch, I waited for the argument to stop.

"Fine, we won't touch it," James and Carlos motioned for me to follow them.

Getting up, I followed the guys away from my dad. Once we were out of eyesight and earshot, we began to talk.

"We're gonna get that record," James said.

"Okay, but how?" I asked.

"We've gotta sneak in and steal it,"

"Isn't that the obvious way?"

"Are you gonna help or not?" Carlos questioned.

"Wow, rude...I'll help, but what's in it for me?"

"You get to hear what the record sounds like,"

"It most likely sounds like an old discarded record,"

"Believe what you want, but we know the truth," James stated.

I rolled my eyes and waited for the guys to continue the plan. Halfway through their plan, I got a call from Logan.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Mikey, I've got a problem,"

"What now?" I rubbed my head.

"So Kendall bought a necklace for Jo and asked me to hold it, but now Camille thinks it's for her,"

"Kendall bought a necklace for Jo? I though he broke up with her for me, last month,"

"Wow, I see I've started more drama...bye,"

Taking the phone away from my ear, I looked at the guys. Knowing they heard my conversation, I raised my eyebrow, asking for an answer.

"Well Kendall couldn't get over Jo, so he told us he broke up with you and apologized to Jo,"

"Just like before...that asshole, I'm gonna rip him a new one!" I snapped, walking away.

"Did hell just break loose?" I heard James ask.

"I think so," Carlos responded.

*Palm Woods*

I furiously walked into the lobby and saw Kendall standing with Jo. In one swift motion, I walked up to Kendall and hit him in the jaw. Once knocked to the ground, Kendall looked up to see who hit him.

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