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"It's so bizarre how I always choose you, no matter how much pain you cause me, I always choose you".unknown

For the first time in my life I feel content  and this man next to me is the reason why. Universe I don't know why you chose to pair me with him but I'm glad you did and I know we have a very long way to go but I'm up for it.

"Why are you so quiet, love?"

"I'm just thinking, you know I've always been this closed off person and I thought I was going to die alone. I mean I didn't want a mate at the beginning but now that we've started the mating bond, I feel like this is it, this is the missing piece to my puzzle" I say why leaning on his shoulder and inhaling his manly scent which by the way, is driving me crazy.

"I guess we needed each other because after my mate died I never thought I'd be with another person like this but this is my second shot at being the best mate in the world, you just have to let me in" he says this while holding my waist and looking at the waterfall.

"I thought you didn't want me" I reposition myself so I can look him in the eye. He looks at me for about a minute then he smiles. That smile.

"I guess you're right, at first I didn't because I felt like I was betraying Jenna" oh. "But as time went by I realised that I can't fight the mate bond."

"Is that why you marked me? Because of the bond?"

"No! no. I did it because I knew Jenna would want me to move on and I also deserved to be happy, to be happy with you. Look I know it's going to be hard to get you to trust me as a partner but I want you to know that I will never hurt you intentionally." I believe him, I don't know why but I just do.

I stand up and go behind the nearest tree and start taking my clothes off. It's time for him and Hera to be introduced. After taking of my clothes I feel my bone snapping and fur starts growing. Hera stands proudly and approaches Micheal. I can't control what Hera does but I can see everything. When Michael sees Hera he tries to stand up but Hera growls signalling him to sit.

She circles him like how a predator circles its prey , eyes never leaving his body. She sniffs him and looks at him again.

"Something is up with mate, but I can't figure out what" she says, right now I'm like her inner conscience and that's why I can't control her actions.

"But it's nothing to worry about." Well okay.

She starts walking to the nearby forest and Michael knows he has to shift. After walking in the forest for a few minutes Michael's wolf catches up to us. He looks breathtakingly beautiful. Hera takes of and Michael's wolf chases her after running for a while they stop and just look at each other.

All I see in Michael's wolf's eyes is adoration for Hera. Hera walks to him and tackles him to the ground and starts licking his face. Horny dog. After playing the wolves just look at each other and have a moment, Michael's wolf starts bowing to Hera out of the blue and Hera growls viciously because she's no longer his leader, they are now equals


"Does that mean I get to be a king and eat grapes whenever I want to?" Michael asks. I groan in annoyance.

"For the millionth time, YES! you get to be a king and eat grapes whenever you want to" after these words he starts sniffing dramatically.

"I just-I feel so happy, these are tears of joy" rolls eyes.

"Well I'm so glad you're taking this very well, I'm glad you're happy because you're going to be dealing with mountains of paperwork and helping me lead thousands more of packs." I say with the biggest smile on my face.

"Oh no , these are not tears of joy."


It's now almost dinner time and I'm really hungry, that run really made me hungry. We find the crew already seated at the table and Lanice is sulking, oh boy.

When she sees us a smile starts spreading on her face and she looks at eyes with coo-coo eyes. You know, those eyes you make when you see a food after a very long day.

She starts sniffing the air. "Ohhh something is in the air tonight." She says almost like she's singing.
Anala also sniffs the air , "oh yes roasted lamb, absolute fav" she says dreamily.

Israel also sniffs the air, "you're right Nala"

The smile on Lanice's face disappears. "Nala? I didn't know you guys were on nickname basis."

"I didn't think it was a problem." Israel answers innocently .

"That's because you don't think." Woah

"If this is about what happened earlier I said I'm sorry" okay?

Workers start coming in carrying food and I dish up for me and Michael and we start to eat, we're too tired for this . Even Anala doesn't say anything. Israel and Lanice continue bickering about whatever they're bickering about.

Anala bangs the table and we're all startled. "Israel and Lanice, please go to your rooms right now. " and her tone is calm, too calm.

"I don't see why I should go to my room, she started it." Israel whines, and they start arguing all over again. Anala's eyes glow a very bright orange and she raises her fist and in seconds, it's on fire.

"Don't make me set your boobs and balls on fire because I will, you both know what I'm capable of." The drama never ends.

Israel looks at me pleadingly and I look at my plate. "Don't you dare bring my girl into this" Michael says while looking at Israel disaprovingly .

He called me his girl!!!

Lanice and Israel oblige and go to their rooms and we continue eating quietly.

"So....you guys are official now."

"I knew you weren't going to mind your business but yes we are official and no we aren't telling you anything other than that. Let's go love dinner is over" Michael says proudly.

" I feel like you thing we're going to share the same room"

"Aren't we?"

"No way lover boy, you're sleeping in your room so if you were planning on shagging me, forget it."

Michael get closer till theres no space left between us and whispers:

"Oh but I will shag you, sonner or later and you're gonna beg me not to stop. Good night, love"


So sorry for disappearing like that but I was kinda busy.

Ohhh steamy huh?

What do you think #Isranice were arguing about?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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