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"You don't get to say you miss me if you could have had me this whole time buylt chose not to". Cloë Frayne

Family. Something I haven't had in a hundred years. Now all I'm good for is killing people. "You gotta earn your stay, mutt". Those are the words I always hear from him. So I do everything he tells me so I can stay here under his protection. He once ordered me to kill an innocent child to prove my loyalty to him. I did.

I used to have a mate , we were so happy in our cute little cottage expecting a pup, that all ended when the war broke out. I watched my mate getting brutally killed infront of me by a vampire. I remember her last words as if it was yesterday "Live Danny, live for yourself.  If not for you, live for me. Run!" . I remember running till my limbs ached and my feet couldn't carry me anymore.

After running for ages I stopped and collapsed then I wept. My wolf Aeneas was depressed, I've never had from him since. He found me there weeping and he wanted to kill me. I begged him to spare because I promised my mate to live, he took me in and made me his assassin.

"Denver, Lord Bloodworth would like to have a word with you " says Lanice, she's the only sane person in this place and the only person who's close to mu heart. She reminds me of my pup that was never born.

"Hey kid, where did you see him?"

"In his office" she answers and I notice that her eyes aren't meeting mine. I look at her closely and I notice that her eyes are a bit red and her neck is slightly bruised. Seeing that I'm looking at her neck she starts explaining "Don't worry about it, It's going to heal in no time" she says trying to convince me when she's only convincing herself. "Go or you will be punished for being late, I'll fix something for you to eat while you're gone"

I head for his office and I find him shoving his tongue on one of the maid's throats. I knock to let him know of my presence and they stop what they were doing. "Ah just the man I wanted to see, I got a job for you. A tough one.

"My lord whatever it is I'm prepared to do it" I answer in a rather forced tone.

"You see this is why you're my favourite slave" I almost flinch at the choice of his words but I keep a stoic face. He hates weakness.

"I need you to be a spy, there's a place I want you to go and spy for me. Get all the valuable information. Ruin any plans that may affect my pack and then finally kill their leader"

"Where is this place?" I ask

"The royal palace and I want you to kill Her royal majesty queen Tamira Turgenev" he says normally as if he did not just order me to commit treason

"That's almost impossible, I won't even make it past the borders and even if I do she'll take me down in less than a minute. You know that she's a legend, her combat skills are legendary " I answer in a frustrated voice.

"That's why you will go there as a vulnerable rogue, helpless and in need of shelter. I don't know if you realize that you don't have a choice.  Should you decide not to comply, I'll have little Lanice for breakfast, lunch and dinner "

My jaw clenches because I know he's right.

I make my way to the borders limping and covered in dirt and blood, Bloodworth said I had to be roughed up to make my story believe so here I am. I can't say I'm afraid but I'm very nervous.

In a flash I see a gold wolf , judging by her size I can tell it's a lone-wolf but what she lacks in size, she makes up for it in speed. Mesmerizing, I think to myself.  Her golden brown her with highlights of white glisten under the even sky . I step on a twig and it breaks, while trying to hide she snarls and I just know that I'm f*cked. She growls and I know she's telling me to come out

And when I do I meet her chocolate eyes and I'm hypnotised by her gaze. Mate mate mate says an inner voice I thought I'd never hear again. Aeneas? I thought he died. Mate I want mate he keeps repeating. I'm so confused because my mate died so this can't be .

I didn't realise that the golden wolf had went behind a tree and shifted into her human form . The golden wolf was the queen herself, she comes closer to me and stares into my eyes as if she's trying to figure out all of my secrets. Her eyes are beautiful but cold

"Who are you and why are you here" she spats breaking my trance

"H-he killed every last one of them so I ran.  I had nowhere else to go" I say in a very pained voice hoping to convince her

"So the only place you could think of was my palace? How convenient, mate" she says in disbelief and I don't miss the way she says mate as if she's disgusted.
"Who killed 'them'?" She makes air quotes

"B-bloodworth because we refused to join his pack"

After that sentence I see a fire in her eyes, and it makes her very sexy. My wolf is getting impatient

"Follow me, you're coming with me to the castle "


Mhhhh well this is interesting. So they're mates?

But what about then plan and what about poor Lanice


Let me know in the comments.  Love you ❤

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