5 - Instagram

426 19 2

"What took you so long to go home?" My brother, Jake, worriedly asked. "You're past 2 hours from your curfew."

"Oh come on, chill. I just hanged out with some.. friends? And did something about our project." I explained. "And besides, I'm already old enough to not have a curfew."

"I don't care. I will always protect you no matter how old you get."

"Aw, that's sweet but please don't baby me anymore. I'm not a child." I stated as I climbed up the stairs to get to my room.

"Be quick, I already prepared dinner."

I jogged my way to my room and dropped my bag on the floor as soon as I got in. I changed to my pajamas to get ready to sleep.

Before going down for dinner, I checked my Instagram when a notification came.

KimDdeonu followed you.

Kim Ddeonu? Who's that? I stalked their account as I slowly sat on the edge of my bed.

Sunoo cutestKim

223 posts   6523 followers  345 following

Oh it's Sunoo. I scrolled through his posts and it's like 70% selfies, 25% him and Ni-ki, 4% sceneries and 1% with his friends. 

I decided to dm him.

"How did you found my account?"

It did not took long before he replied.

"Obviously I search for your name. Duh.😑😑😑"

"Why did you followed me tho? :0"

"Is it bad to follow you? Geez."

"No no, I didn't mean that. I mean, thank you for following me ^^"

"Yes, you should be thankful. You are followed by THE kim Sunoo💆"

I laughed because he's such a fun guy to talk to. No wonder he have such friends.

"Y/N come on, let's eat now!" Jake screamed from downstairs.

"Yes yes I'm coming!" I screamed back and quickly went down the stairs.

It's only Jake and I in this house since our parents are always on their job. I don't even know what their jobs are. The last time I saw them in person was when I was three. Since then, Jake became my parent and best friend. He's a nice brother and he always takes care of me ever since I was young, which explains why he always treat me like a baby.

He prepared carbonara and orange juice for our dinner.

"Who did you hanged out with?" That's the first thing Jake said as I sat down.

"I already told you" I stated as I reached for the carbonara and scooped out to place on my plate.

"Who exactly?" Seriously? An interview?

"Sunghoon, Jay, Sunoo, Heeseung, Ni-ki and umm Jungwon"

"Wait, hold on. Boys?" His right eyebrow raised.

"Please calm down. We just talked about our project!" I tried to calm him down and explained.

"Look, I trust you okay? But please don't make me worry." He's a bit calm now.

"Okay I promise." I raised my pinky finger to signal that I really meant my promise.

He smiled and started to eat. As well as I did.


I apologize for the late update and short chapter :( BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 200+ READSSS😭😭 I DID NOT EXPECT THIS TO HAVE THAT MUCH😭😭

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