Chapter 8 - Fake

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[Santa Monica Dream - Angus & Julia Stone]

[I realize that the video won't play on this site... On the mobile version, at least. It is an amazing song in my opinion, so if you want to listen to it, I recommend going to YouTube for that.]

I stared at the clock while awaiting a knock on the door. I had a mere five boxes stacked by the front door. My room didn't have much, and I wasn't going to take the remainder of the furniture in my house. That would have just been a painful reminder of my dad, and I presumed that it wasn't wanted by my new families anyways. Now, I just needed to wait for their arrival...

Alas, the knock came. I slowly forced my hand to the doorknob, and slowly, but surely, twisted it. I then pulled the door open, while shutting my eyes. I was both eager, and terrified to see my new family...

In one quick movement, I pulled the front door of my dilapidated house open, and opened my eyes.

I was met with three people. A male and female, whom both appeared in their mid-forties, were likely my adoptive parents. Next to them, stood a little girl, who didn't seem much older than eight.

"Hello there, sweetie. My name is Tracey." The woman said. She, alongside the husband, had a fake smile plastered on their faces. Her eyes were twinkling blue, and her hair was blonde... Those features were clearly natural, but... The rest of her was fake. You could tell that she was putting on an act for me. She dressed very formally, and wore high heels to gain some height. Without them, she'd probably be five foot three. Her facial expression showed happiness, but I could see through it. She was downright nervous.

The male spoke after Tracey.
"My name is Victor." His voice was deep, booming, and intimidating. He too, had a fake smile on his face.

"Great, more fake..." I thought to myself.

Victor was a stereotypical family man. He was somewhat muscular, but not insanely muscular. His hair was the opposite of his wife's being black, cut high and tight. His eyes were brown. His skin was mildly tan, but nothing too extreme. He also had a clean shave. I was curious to know his occupation, because going off of his appearance, it seemed like he was a military man.
That worried me.
I support our troops, but what worried me was that some of them move around a lot... Traveling across the country seemed fun, but I didn't want to leave Luke...

"This is Autumn." Tracey said, without taking her eyes off me.
Their daughter stared up at me, with curious, innocent eyes. She wasn't apart of the act... It was clear to tell... She was just the innocent, quiet girl... I could easily tell that just by looking at her...
She reminded me of me...
Yet again, I was comparing myself to an eight year old.
Autumn had dirty blonde hair that went down to her elbows. Her eyes were blue like her mothers, which I thought to be strange. Being the nerd I am, I know that brown eyes are the dominant trait, and blue eyes are recessive. For her to get blue eyes was a minimal chance...

Tracey looked at me, continuing to smile, waiting for an answer from me. I wasn't really sure how much time had passed, whether it be a few seconds, or minutes.
"I'm Cassidy." I said to her.

This was going to be a change for me... An actual family.
I could finally enjoy living... I hope...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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