Missing Puzzle piece

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??? POV

Did she just slap me?!
I was so annoyed and angry, I swear I was gonna burst.....but then I realised that the whole school saw..... well there goes my reputation, wait..... won't I just have a bigger reputation. I swear I will make the one who slapped me suffer. She is so dumb tho, she seems new, she has no clue that we're bullying her.

"Don't mess with me, don't mess with my friends, don't mess with anyone......next time I won't be this nice and it will be all of you hurt, not only one. I don't care who you are but all I know is,You got lucky this time. You won't be lucky forever...."

Did she say that? Savage much.....I so badly wanna punch her.
Soon, the crowd left. So did she. We left too. We're going to the secret hideout. We need to talk.
It was awkward because it was so silent and I knew that everyone was shook at what she said.
Suddenly Jin broke the silence.

"Well, I think she is new, I haven't seen her around before and......she clearly doesn't know us." He said. We all nodded in agreement. Then someone else spoke...

"You're right Hyung, but something doesn't feel right.... we're missing something, there is a piece of the puzzle that is missing....but what...?" RM spoke, he sounded confused, which is very unusual.

"Hmmm.....something is missing...?" I repeated to myself, quietly.

"Oh! I know!" We all turned our heads to see JHope grinning happily but evilly at the same time.......weird.
"I know what we are missing!"Jhope repeated.

"What? What is it?!"Jungkook asked excited.

"Well, if you noticed, on the girls hand that she slapped Taehyung/V with you can see that she is wearing a bell bracelet....."Jhope said.

"So?...."Jimin asked, confused.

"So, do you remember a few weeks ago Hyung, Ninetta. You know the really smart girl who everyone likes,"JHope said motioning to the Hyungs who all nodded.

'Ninetta? Oh yeah, everyone knows her.' I thought.

"Yeah, well do you remember when she had to show everyone something special to her because it was her birthday. Do you remember what she showed and what she said?" JHope asked. All the Hyungs nodded he continued;
"Well for all you stupid Maknaes she said: Today is my birthday, for everyone this day is important but for me it's a special day and is a lot more important than you think. For the past few years I've been at this school and all these birthdays I've spent alone. The thing special to me about this day is that i actually share my birthday with my sister, her name is Y/N and she is two years younger than me but we have a very close bond. Today is a day where I think about her and how she is doing without me. But as I need to show you something here....
Then she took the bracelet off of her hand and held it up to the entire class, it was the same as what the girl who we chose to target was wearing, and before you say that there could be lots of people with the same bracelet, well no, that's impossible because afterwards Ninetta said this:
'This was a gift from her when on Christmas, I never wore it and I saw how hurt she was but then one day she told me that I must wear it when I leave home without her, this bracelet is my lucky charm and is something more special than you can imagine. It is not a plain bracelet but it has a special meaning to it. She has the same one. So I guess you can recognise her when she joins this school in a few weeks, I can't wait to see her again she was always there for me. Oh that was a bit too much in formation.'

Remember! That's exactly what she said and plus if you still don't believe me, this morning I saw the girl who could be called Y/N get out of a car with Ninetta and before this I saw her texting someone called Y/N and the profile picture was of the same girl who slapped tae! It's the same girl!" J-Hope finished what he was saying
I can't believe it! The girl who slapped me was Ninetta's sister......wow!

Sorry for mistakes-here's the chapter I promised you guys-I hope you enjoyed it-thanks for the support-💕💕💕💕💞💖💕💕💕💕💕💕

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