I was annoyed since I had to explain to the teacher why I was late for my first class but I was happy that I had missed Japanese and not any other lesson....
I wanted to thank Kim Taehyung for his good deed, I went to the Cafeteria after explaining to the teacher and looked for BTS.
After some digging, I found out that they usually hang out there when skipping classes.
"So there is no H on a piano because the scale only goes up to G." Miss Song explained to the class as everyone either nodded or took notes.
I looked around and saw that Jungkook wasn't on the class which meant that they where in their 'meeting'. This was my chance and I wasn't gonna loose it...
"Miss Song? Please may I go to the bathroom?" I asked politely, grabbing the teachers attention.
"Hmm, okay but be quick." She answered in a suspicious almost warning tone.
I nodded and left.
I reached the cafeteria and saw the 7 boys inside all circled around a table.They were talking and I wanted to hear the conversation so I stood behind the nearest wall and listened into the conversation.
"So when do we attack?" Jin asked.
"We will attack when she leaves the school." RM said, he rolled out a map of the school and pointed to various places on it.
"Jungkook. You will grab her as soon as she leave's the school gate and you with bring her to the back of the building. Taehyung, your job is to....." And so they continued.
But a tiny detail they mentioned caught my attention.
"Y/N, we need to make sure she doesn't mess the plan up, she always with Seulgi!" Jimin shouted.
They sounded like a mafia trying to kidnap a girl. But they where targeting Seulgi and this made my skin turn pale. I didn't know what I should've done or that I should do. I was confused. But I knew that it was because of me that they would be targeted.
After long thought I made my appearance. This made them shudder and stop to see who was eavesdropping on them.
"Yah! H-how long have you been there?!" Jhope shouted, for some reason he was stuttering.
I walked forward before answering.
"Oh I was here from when Jin started saying 'when do we attack?'...." I told them while checking my nails and mimicking Jin.
"Oh but that's not why I'm here..." I continued while walking towards V. "Gamsabnida!" I finished while bowing and whispering to V.
"That's for giving me a good enough excuse to skip Japanese, so thanks .KIM.TAEHYUNG." I harshly whispered into his ear before leaving. I emphasised particularly on his name just to remind him about what he was about to do to Seulgi and just to wind him up.
They day went by slowly but I was glad it did. I tried my best to stay with Seulgi and even met her friends and I now know the group's name because every group in this school needs a name.
The group name was Red Velvet and honestly I think it's a cool name, other's might think it's weird but at least it's easy to remember!
I was currently sat eating a snack while walkings home and talking to Seulgi about.....
But we were caught off guard when someone put a bag over our heads. I knew who it was....BTS. But I was glad that I would be there to protect Seulgi of any harm.
I heard running and talking but didn't care, the bags smelt like pig food and I just wanted to get them off of me. Trust me....they stank!
The running stopped and I felt myself being held to a wall by two people. Soon after, the bag was off of my head and I saw that I was being held by Jimin and V. I looked but couldn't find Seulgi.
"Where is she?!" I shouted. Yes, I'm tired and worried but that doesn't stop me from asking.
"Oh, wow! The Great Y/N is scared!" Jin clapped sarcastically and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"Stop playing Jin, let the girl know where her friend is...." RM told Jin. They turned on a projector and the room became dark. There was a live video playing of Seulgi- still with the bag on- in a room with Jhope and Suga in it. But something was strange...where was Jungkook?
Like he was reading my mind Jin changed the video to another one. This one had Jungkook and.....Jaisoo! She was tied up to a chair and Jungkook was sitting infront of her.
My blood boiled. "Where are they?!" I shouted, furious.
"Oh, calm down babe....we're gonna give you 20 minutes to find them both and save them." Jimin told me.
"I know that you have something else planned..." I said.
"Wow! You're so smart princess." Taehyung commented.
"Well yeah, we're gonna give you 20 minutes after we beat you up..." Jimin said annoyed that I knew the plan was a trick.
Before I could say anything, they started to beat me up...Jimin punched, V kicked, Jin Slapped, Rm Pinched and so on....
I was on the ground now (a/n: check out Rosè's song 'on the ground'). I spat out blood and was tired but wouldn't stop fighting. There were cuts and bruises all over me and blood dripped out from my forehead and on the side of my mouth and nose. My hair was covered in sweat and my shirt and a bit of my skirt were also blood stained but I didn't care....all I knew was that this was torture and this would happen to my friends if I didn't do anything.
I wiped the drops of blood from the side of my mouth and stood up.
"Y/N, you can do this..." I whispered quietly.
"Yah! That's enough!" Namjoon shouted, he was panting and so were the rest who had their hands on their knees.
Namjoon stood up straight.
"Okay Y/N, Now go and find your friends..." He said motioning to the door. I quickly ran out of it and wandered into the long hall way..."This is gonna take forever....." I whispered as I stared at the rooms in this building. The long white hallways lasted for miles and with my already weak body, I knew I couldn't make it but I gathered all my hope.
I mean, how hard could it be....?
Hey guys- sorry again for the late update and for my mistakes- please check out my other books- I hope you like reading this book and chapter- love you guys and I can't thank you guys enough for your support and love ❤️

School of Idol Arts •••[BTS FF - ft. Other Idols]••• [DISCONTINUED]
FanfictionY/N is a normal girl who lives in England. When she finally finishes high school she decides to head to the school of her dreams the school of idol arts. She soon flies to Korea to join the school. Her older sister goes there and she is soon reunite...