Chapter 3

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Thank you for taking time to read this third chapter, I hope you will enjoy! I think things will roll smoother now? 


Feliciano quickly realized two things:

1. Never ask Elizabeta about Gilbert. Don't. If you want to save your sanity.


2. Gilbert is nothing like his younger brother, Ludwig, apparently.

He had to ask a stupid question.

Within the first minute of the story, Feliciano could feel the sensation of sweat forming in the nape of his next, making him feel clammy over the sight of her raising her voice, visibly passionate over things he lost track off. Her thick Hungarian accent came through when she was talking about Gilbert. Feliciano thought it was oddly charming, in the same way Ludwig's German accent also was. Ludwig was better at subduing his accent however, only slipping up his pronounciation in seemingly weird situations, but to him, they were the moment's he would wish to see more of.

At the thought of that a careless, but soft laugh slipped through his mouth. He was suddenly oblivious to the woman raging a mere two meters away.

Feliciano tried to hide the fact that he was attracted to his new master, being unable to say why. He couldn't hide the feelings of wanting to know him better. Or to touch and hug him whenever his face would become slightly red over things he said.. Or the fact that his scent made his body feel weak all over, where even his piercing blue eyes that could charm anyone who would fall into them. Feliciano felt the sensation of craving more and the thought of it wouldn't leave his mind. 

Slightly annoyed with himself, he quickly ruled out wanting to become closer with Ludwig wasn't fueled by anything indecent: only a master and his servant. An unlikely friendship. Two people who become best friends due to the nature of their relationship. Yep. He nodded to himself convincingly, of course he wants to be close to Ludwig, because he is basically his right hand man right? He has to be there for him when nobody else can! 

Feliciano got lost in his convincing, just as Elizabeta was lost in her ranting.


After 15 minutes of doing nothing in the pristine kitchen, they both snapped out of it when the clock hanging over the main door made a distinctive click. The two colleagues instinctively locked eyes, as if to beg the other one to check the time first; knowing they wasted precious time in the Beilschmidt manor. Feliciano looked terrified at Elizabeta as she looked back as bewildered. Without a word spoken, a mental call of three occured and they both turned their heads, making a collective shriek. Time had slipped, and they only had one hour till everything were to be done. A moment of dread fell upon them, before they bursted out laughing. The whole situation had become stupid and for a short moment they bonded over their collective ditzy-ness.

Luckily, Feliciano and Elizabeta figured out the best option was to peel their remaining potatoes as fast as they could, get them boiling, and tend to the other parts of the meal so Feliciano could eat with Ludwig by 18:00, and she could bring the meal to the other maids.  Somewhat resigned, they grabbed each their potato and began the final quest grind to be done. 


When the clock neared 18, Feliciano felt a surge of relief, knowing he would be free from the potatoes. Towards the last parts of preparing dinner, he came to learn that the maids rarely ate with Ludwig. Feliciano had carefully probed to find out why, but the best answer Elizabeta could offer was the theory that he was a private man who liked his peace and quiet. Therefore the maids would usually eat in the east wing second floor hall, as it was close to where they were located anyways, so it made sense in his otherwise empty head.

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