Chapter 4

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Feliciano groaned the moment the alarm went off, lazily turning himself over to get the loud beeping to stop. The illuminating light from the clock reminded him of the cold fact it was only 07:15 in the morning. He slumped on his back for a moment, thinking he'd at least he'd get to spend another eventful day with Ludwig.

After debating with himself for a while, he managed to get out of bed, making sure to leave it somewhat made up. Barely awake he made his way to the bathroom door that was only a few metres away from his bed, taking a short shower in an attempt to wake up. He could feel the sleepiness fading away as the semi cold water hit him. After patting himself dry, he tried to brush his hair down, but there was always that one hair curl that wouldn't stick to the others.

Fully dressed he stood in front of his body lenght mirror, trying to admire himself. It was still hard to realize he was a grown adult, working in a different country as a butler once again. A memory of himself wearing a maid dress crossed his mind, and for a second that was the only image staring back at him in the mirror. At least I was kinda cute in a dress?

The moment he heard the door outside his room open, he realized the clock had to be 08:00  sharp and he snapped back to his senses. Hastily he took his tie on, practically jumping across the room, rushing to get his shoes on as he made his way to the door. Why did Ludwig always have to be so on point? He surely was a German made robot, no doubt about it.

He swung open the door.

"Good morning sir" Feliciano blurted out once he got outside, pretending he didn't just stumble out the door with him witnessing the whole ordeal.

"Good morning" 

Feliciano could see Ludwig looking weirdly at him, staring him down. His eyes were a darker shade of blue than usual. Did he really mess up that badly? 

"I- uh"


"Me?" Feliciano questioned as he pointed a finger at himself.

Feliciano looked at him nervously. Ludwig had been staring before he looked away, scratching his gelled hair slightly. 

"Your... tie is messy"

Feliciano looked down. His tie wasn't tucked into his vest and his knot was a mess. A twinge of embarrassment hit him. By the time he looked up, Ludwig was suddenly standing mere inches away from him. 

His heart fluttered.

"It's important to look proper. It should look like this"

Feliciano eyes went from his face to his hands, which were within a moment delicately fixing his tie. He felt Ludwig's hands touching his neck, fixing and tightening his tie with swift motions. Ludwig tucked the tie lastly into his vest, giving it a lingering touch before letting go.  In less than 10 seconds his tie went from unruly till made and Feliciano felt the heat radiate from his face.

"T-Thank you" he sincerely replied, touching the tie Ludwig had moments ago done for him.

"Remember that for tomorrow. Let's go" Ludwig replied with a thicker accent than usual. 

Feliciano followed along, still touching the tie. He smiled as they walked. He had a feeling Ludwig didn't find it as annoying as he tried to make it.

And he might've been correct.


"What are we doing today?" Feliciano asked as they made their way down to the first floor. 

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