Chapter 19

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Hello before you start reading I just want to apologize for not posting much I was out of inspiration. Now that we are done with that I hope you enjoy

Lex was sitting on her bed. She had a lot of energy that she wasn't used to becouse she was 'sick'. Lex was staring at the floor when Phill came in.
"Hey hun are you feeling ok?"
Phill asked giving Lex a soft smile
"Good... Better then usual actually"
Lex said looking up at Phill
"Really?.. One second let me take your temperature"
Phill said going to the living room where the thermometer was. A few seconds passed but Phill came back into the room.
Phill told Lex. Lex opened her mouth put the thermometer in her mouth.
A few minutes passed and Lex took the thermometer out of her mouth. Phill looked at the thermometer and then looked at Lex.
"Well looks like you are healthy"
Phill said as he looked at Lex
Lex screams at the top of her lounges.
"I'm not sick anymore!"
Lex said moonwalking into the living room. All the boys laughed at Lex as she was dancing from happiness.
When Lex stopped dancing and the boys calmed down.
"Good to know because we're invited"
Techno said looking at Lex
"To what?"
Tommy asked
"Well dream is out of jail for a month and he is throwing a kind of ball. "
Techno said
"And Lex your coming with us"
Techno said looking at Lex who was breathing heavily from dancing
"Wow first I find out I'm not sick anymore and now I find out that I can go to a ball put on a pretty dress dance all night and be the center of attention... Is 22 like my lucky number"
Lex said referring to the fact the it is the 22.Feburary.
Techno said giving Lex a Boop on the nose
"Well... As long as Lex is safe she can do what ever she wants"
Phill said looking at Lex who started dancing again. Tommy, Tubbo ,Wilbur and Phill started laughing again and Techno just face palmed.
"Ok ok we get it you like to dance now save that energy the ball is tonight.
" Holy shi-"
Lex stopped and covered her mouth before she could accidentally cuss
The boy laughed again. A few hours passed and before they knew it it was time to leave.
"Lex let's go"
Techno yelled while fixing his crown.
Lex yelled and Techno heared a door open the boys were in the living room waiting for Lex to come down. They heared the stairs and they looked up to see Lex

(That is the dress she was wearing) Lex came down the stairs like she owned the house

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(That is the dress she was wearing)

Lex came down the stairs like she owned the house.
"Hold on why am I getting amotional"
Techno asked in pure confusion. Everyone laughed
"It's called beaing proud Techno"
Phill said
"How do I look~"
Lex asked posing. Wilbur snapped his fingers
Wilbur said
"Welp let's go before were late"
Techno said and everyone nodded

~Time skip~

They were in front of the huge mention
"Lex before we come in I have to give you something"
Techno said
Lex hummed
"This is a pocked knife some of the people in there aren't that Friendly and we don't want you getting hurt"
Techno explains and Lex took the knife and put it in an inside pocked she had
"Got it now let's go"
Lex said. Techno opend the door
"Ladies first"
Techno said letting Lex in first and then  all of the other boys and the  himself. All eyes we're on Lex not a lot of people knew her. Lex of course loved the attention she was getting. The first person to go up to Lex were sapnap and Nikki.
"Hi Lex"
Nikki said and turned around to hug Nikki
"Hi Nikki!"
Lex said
"So you are just gonna ignore me ugh how dare you!"
Sapnap said putting his hand on his chest beaing dramatic as hell
"Oh come on I am tiny compared to all of you I didn't even see you"
Lex said putting her fist out. Sapnap and Lex fist bumped. All the other boys were just watching as Lex met more people and found more friends. Lex git in really easy it was all going just amazing until the host got there. Dream.
"I'm sorry may I have your attention please"
Dream said standing at the top of the staircase. Lexs smile quickly turned into a death glare and Techno stood in front of his siblings incase Dream tried to do anything.
"Just wanted to say thank-... Lexie is there a problem you look a little upset"
Lex kept a straight face third thing Lex is good at. Lex was just qiet.
"Awh is someone mad... Oof it was the voices they made me do it ugh how annoying"
Dream said making his voice deep and more monotone. Lex was pissed
"Are you mocking my brother!?"
Lex said her eyes looked like they were glowing red.
"Oh no it's just a joke hun"
Dream said
Lex hummed
"Back to the point I just wanted to thank you all for coming please enjoy and have fun"
Dream said leaving to go the bedroom where he was kept. It was qiet utill someone spoke up. And of course it was quackity
"Holy shit Lex is a badass"
Everyone laughed including the boys.
They danced had fun Lex got a few of the peoples numbers. It was a nice night but as every Mather fucking parent will tell you the worst will happen when you turn your back for one second. Phill knew that but still turns his back for 5 minutes. Lex was pulled away from everyone else by dream.
"What the hell do You want with Me"
Lex said putting her armes down so that she could pull he knife out if she needed to Dream pulled a sword out of mf nowhare when he was about to hit Lex she pulled the knife out and sliced dreams chest at that moment Sam came in
"Holy shit Lex are you ok I am soo sorry"
Sam said holding dream by the neck
"I'm perfectly fine plus when Technoblade himself is your brother you have a weapon with you at all times"
Lex said smiling and showing the now bloody knife. Sam took Lexs hand and led her to where everyone was. Lex still knife in hand ready to stab a bitch Everyone saw Lex, Sam and Dream techno ran over to Lex checking if she is ok
"Obviously Dream can not keep his temper under control so this will never happen again Dream will never be led out of the prison ever again"
Evryone claped at the fact that dream will never see the day light again they all though dream was knocked out but of course he wasn't. He swings his arm out with his sword trying to hit Lex but Lex beaing the tiny child she is didn't even have to move dream couldn't reach Lex. Techno took the sword out of Dreams hand. Lex as calm as a rock. She put her hand out to sapnap. Sapnap knowing what she wanted puts a lighter in her hands. Dream looked up at Lex who was walking over to dream. She pulled some TNT out of her bag and turned to evryone who was at the ball
It was qiet
Lex said as evryone ran out of the house including Sam as he took dream with him they did need him alive incase anyone alse died. Lex lit the TNT and ran  outside to her family. Evryone looked at the house. A few seconds passed before the TNT reacted everything gone. Lex wrapped her armes around dream
"Well dream look at that all of your hard work in the trash awhh how sad"
Lex said teasing Dream and smiled not just a normal smile it was a smile of a pshyco she let go of dream and the explosion stopped. Evryone went home Lex almost fainted from how tired she was well she has learned her lesson never trust dream

This may have taken my more then an hour

𝙰 𝙱𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 /𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚂𝚖𝚙 𝙾𝚌 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔. Where stories live. Discover now