Chapter 10:Buliding Trust ep.4-Techno

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I finally only have Techno left cuz I have many things in plan


New day new person to hang out with

And it's Techno I bet he's ganna teach Self defense

Lex was laying in her bed when she heard her door open she was too confused to move her head

"You awake Lex?"

Lex recognized the voice it was Techno


She finally got her self together and got up from her bed

"Well you wanna get going after you change"

Techno asked as he took his sword

"Let me guess..... Self defense"

Lex sead as she turned to go to her closet

"Aren't you a smart girl"

Techno sead while leaving the room so the girl can change

×°•Time skip•°×

Lex and Techno just left the house and sead bye to the other boys

"You ready"

Techno asked looking down at Lex


Techno passed Lex a diamond axe

"Now watch hold it like this one hand on top and the other on bottom"

Lex did as Techno sead

Techno put his axe down and stood next to Lex holding the axe with her

"Now watch"

Techno sead

"Middle, right, left, "

Techno moved the axe in the same direction he was saying

He let go of the axe

"Now you try"

Lex held the axe tight

And did as Techno sead

"You ok you seem quiet"

Techno sead with a worried face

"Oh sorry I just pick up faster that way"

Lex anweserd

"Oh well then continue"

Lex looked in front of herself

And did the exact moves Techno did

Time passed by as Lex was learning and memorizing the moves

{°•×Time Skipו°}

Lex and Techno were having a one on one battle which Lex was winning

Lex was able to pin Techno down one more time

It was getting dark soo they couldn't train anymore

One the way home they were both winded

They were still laughing and joking around as they were heading home

They opened the door to be greeted by the other boys

"Jeez you guys look tired"

Tommy sead looking at the two

"Oh we know"

They sead at the same time

"Janks, double janks, can talk"

They sead all at the same time

"I swear you guys have some sort of connection"

Wilbur  sead and everyone laughed

It was the middle of night everyone was in they're rooms sleeping except Techno and Phill they were talking and they felt like a real father and son

Techno yawned he was tired from staying up late

Techno anded up falling asleep and landing right on Phill

Phill laughed

He grabbed a pillow and placed it for his head and layed down with Techno asleep on his chest

Technos cape was able to cover both Techno and Phill

Phill was happy this moment reminded him of when Techno was a child

Techno was 10 year's old he was such a sweet child he cared about Phil so much and his brothers one day Phill and Techno were taking a walk outside Evrything was normal until an arrow was headed right straight to Phills head Techno jumped in front of him to protect Phill Techno was soo close to death but he survived Phill and Techno were at home with Technos head on Phills chest Phill is soo greatful to have a son like him

He loved his children all of them but he just knew that Techno would do anything for him


Techno loved his father and his father loved him



Welp there goes my heart

𝙰 𝙱𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 /𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚂𝚖𝚙 𝙾𝚌 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔. Where stories live. Discover now