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School starts now, again. Fuck this shit!

It's already been a few days since he got into the Basketball club as their manager. He didn't even attend when the first year needs to scream their goal through the rooftop. He just didn't give a fuck and doesn't want to waste his time doing that if he was not even interested in playing the sport.

(M/N) on his classes just sat there or lay his head and did nothing. (M/N) literally just dozed through his classes and would just wake up if the prof wanted him to answer a question which he surprisingly answers right and made the teachers furious yet amuse at the male's intelligence. It was lunchtime when had the strength to stand up willingly and move around. As long as he wants to sleep more, food is more important.

He gathers his things and heads straight to the cafeteria. When he got inside, almost all the students stop what they are doing and look towards the door where the (H/C) male was. Hearts and giggling can be heard around him whether they were women or guys, they would either swoon or give him an envy stare.

(M/N) didn't give a shit about it and continue to order what he wants. He immediately got served and walk out to eat on the rooftop.

He sat near the railing and ate his food while looking down at the people below him. He was having sadistic thoughts of wanting to crush them like ants and insects. He was continued to looking at the people below him scarily when a loud bang echoed through the door of the rooftop.

Riko stood there panting, along with their captain who seems to be holding a two bento box. They both looked at the male and sigh in relief.

"(M/N)-kun! What a pleasure and accident to bumping into you! I'm glad to see you here!" Riko exclaimed and was too overjoyed, which was too suspicious while Hyuga just grunts a reply in the back.

(M/N) rose his eyebrow and look at her suspiciously and annoyed that someone interrupts him in the middle of planning of crushing and spreading gore and blood everywhere.

"Are you sure you didn't ask anyone around the school to where I am and made your way here?" (M/N) asked smugly and smirking at the two.

Riko choked a reply and Hyuga just look at the male with a wide-eye.

'Damn! How did he know?!'

"W-what don't be ridiculous, (M/N)-kun! Only desperate people who want to convince someone on they didn't want to do would do that thing!" Riko said in a panic. Holy shit!

(M/N) just looked at them unimpressed and turn his back to them to continue eating and looking at the people below the rooftop.

He heard arguing at the back and a rustle that seems to be walking towards him. Riko sat beside him and Hyuga sat beside her. They both started eating their bento but (M/N) didn't pay them any mind.

"(M/N)-kun, I don't want to be too nosy or annoying but you really are special. You have the talent, to easily beat them and to rule against them! Don't you think you can use it if you try and play for the team?" Riko asked, more calmly and trying to explain her side.

"Hmm (L/N), don't you think you're wasting it by just being there and watching?" Hyuga uncaringly added which earn a glare from (M/N). They both shudder at the glare and shut them up completely.

(M/N) sigh, calming himself and thinking of a reason he can voice.

"I thought we finished talking about this, Riko-san?" (M/N) asked and looked directly through his coach's eyes. Riko staring back but got lost at the male's (E/C) and how it shines in this afternoon light. She blushed but quickly shook it away and replied to the male.

"I– y-yeah." She sigh. Guess she really needs to give up on this rare gem he almost has in the palm of her hand.

"Not to worry, Riko-san. If I ever feel the need or want to play again, you are the first one who can know and I'll join immediately." (M/N) tiredly said.

That gave hope to the brunette and the captain. They stare at each other's minds as if talking through telepathy.

'We'll make sure to get him to play for the team!' They both thought and nodded.

"I would hold onto that (M/N)-kun!" Riko said and ate her food happily. (M/N) got up and throw his trash in the trash bin.

"I'll go now, senpais." He said and walking towards the door and grinned lazily at the two. He turn his back and starts waving his hand lazily. He left his two senpais wondering about their fast-beating heartbeat and rosy cheek that got to their faces because of how hot he look when he did it.

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