Chapter 8 - "I like You"

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We both sit at the sofa and Jisoo is beside me " so wanna talk about it?" I asked her as I looked at her and she looked "actually" she started.

"I really love him but some part of my heart is kinda suspicious of him" she said and I nodded "it feels like he's gonna leave me soon" she said again.

I take her hand and put it on my thigh as I rub her hand "Sunbae,maybe it's just your feeling. Look at the way he trying to take you away from me, he's really care about you and I know he's not that kind of person" I said.

She looked up to me "am I choose a wrong person?" She asked and I smile "no Sunbae, you're not. It's just your feeling,so just forget it and if he really did that. Tell me,I will fight for you" I said and smile cutely to her.

She get closer to me and put her head at my shoulder,I sighed and rub her shoulder with my other free hand "it's okay,I'm here for you Sunbae" I said.

It's hurt to know someone you love is hurt because of someone she loves. She doesn't deserve this.


It's already 2 weeks since we doing the project together and today is the last night I'm going to Sunbae house since we gonna hand the project tommorow.

"I'm hungry" Jisoo said as she put her hand at her stomach then I chuckled "let's go to convenience store" I said and we walked to the convenience store.

We walked into the convenience store,I take 2 triangle kimbap and beer then Sunbae take bibimbap set.

I paid for the food and I open the door for sunbae "thank you" she said and I smiled. After she went out suddenly she stopped that makes me break behind her.

"Sunbae why?" I asked and she looked at the 2 person who is sitting and maybe kissing? I looked where Sunbae is looking.

"H-han Jipyeong" she called him then suddenly that guy turned his head towards us "J-Jisoo ah" I looked to the girls,wow it's the girl who is his partner for the project,Im Sua.

"Bab-" "Don't call me babe!" She shouted and take a few step back. I looked at Sunbae and her eyes full of tears.

He walked towards her but I stop him by stand in front of Sunbae "don't come near her" I said and look at him.

He about to punch me but I hold his hand and I punch him with my other hand until he fell off the floor.

"Oppa!" Sua shouted and kneeled beside Jipyeong. I chuckled "who's the playboy now?" I said then he stand up and punch me that makes my face turned to my right.

"Just stop!!" Jisoo said and stand in front of me as Jipyeong was about to punch me. I looked at Jipyeong.

"Let's break up and don't call me" Jisoo said and I hold her hand "let's go Sunbae" I dragged her and walked to her house.

As we already in her house I sat her down at the sofa as she facepalm and cry. I sighed and kneeled in front of her "Sunbae" I put both of my hands at her shoulder.

"Sunbae" I called her and she put down her hands and look at me. I looked into her eyes, it's the eyes that makes me hurt.

I wiped her tears that is on her cheeks "Y-Y/n ah..." She called me and I raised my eyebrows "i-its hurt...i-i-if i knew it's gonna be like t-this..I will never gonna give him c-chance *sobs*" she said.

I smiled and sit beside her then I hug her "it's okay,I'm here" I calmed her as I cares her hair.

She hug my waist and cry more. After a 2 minutes we hug I pulled away and look at her eyes which is red and puffy.

"Let's go to sleep" I said and stand up but she hold my hand "wae?" I asked "y-you want to sleep with me?" She asked and I blushed.

"Of course no Sunbae! HAHA I'll help you sleep then I sleep at the sofa" I said and she nodded.

She already changed her clothes and get in the bed. I cover her with blanket and sit beside her as she laid down.

"Thank you Y/n, you're always with me when Im in a hard time" she said and I smile "you're welcome Sunbae, goodnight" I said and cares her hair.

She closed her eyes and started to fall asleep "I will wait for you Sunbae" I said and kiss her forehead.



I woke up due to the sun then I opened my eyes and look around "I don't feel like to get up" I said and get up.

I walk downstairs with my pajamas and suddenly I saw Y/N who is still in a deep sleep at the sofa.

I walked slowly and kneeled in front of him "cute" I said whisper and cares his hair softly. I get up and about to walked but he grabbed my wrist and makes me fall into his arms as he wrapped his arms around me.

I looked up to him as my hands at his chest. He open his eyes and look into my eyes "good morning Sunbae" he said and I automatically smile.

"Morning Y/N" I said and look at the scar from last night that Jipyeong punch him "go get showered and let's clean your scar" I said and get up.



I'm wearing a white shirt and black jeans jacket from yesterday and went downstairs. I saw Jisoo place a plate with pancake on it.

I smile and sit down "eat well Y/N" she said and I chuckled "you too Sunbae" I said and start eating.

After we already finished eating,I sit at the sofa while watching a TV "Let's clean your scar and go to school okay?" She said as she put a med kit at the table.

I sighed and turned my body to her as she gets closer to me and put the medicine at my lips as I hissed at it "I'm sorry I'm sorry,hold on a little bit alright?" She said and I look at her face.

It's just like the first time she put a medicine at my face "Sunbae, I like you" I said that makes her stopped and looked at me.

"I said I like you Sunbae" it's now or never.

To be continued........

Hi! Homework is stressing me out bruh KSHSKSHSK anyway it's getting closer guess,is Jisoo gonna accept him or? See you at the next chapter dear readers! (I'm sorry for my wrong grammar)

"Sunbae, I Like You"  [Jisoo X Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now