Chapter 25: My Brother's Keeper

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•POV: Davina's Story•

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I woke up this morning and found the bed empty again, Deon must have slipped out this morning again for 'trap business'. I sighed and laid flat on my stomach thinking bout how distant we've grown since the whole picture thing.

Suddenly my phone buzzed on the bedside table and across the front screen was a message from Jerome. I rolled my eyes and locked off the phone resting my head back on the pillow. Why won't he just let me be I already told him I don't wanna be a part of it anymore.

The buzzing of messages continued as I finally convinced myself to get up and do something constructive with my day.


After finally finishing getting ready, I went downstairs for some breakfast and surprisingly saw Deon chilling in the kitchen in his white basketball shorts.

"Hey babe" I warmly smiled giving him a quick kiss. "I thought you were at the trap?"

"Nah not today I thought today I could spend the day with my baby girl " he smirked hugging me from behind and resting his chin on the crook of my neck.

I couldn't help but smile this is actually what I wanted to do...However I gotta answer to Jerome before he becomes irritated and does something reckless.

"I would love to...but I gotta go do something real quick" I replied turning to face him.

"Aight, you want me to drop you off or you cool?" He asked jumping on the counter with his piece of chicken.

"Nah I'm good. And isn't it too early for that?" I laughed motioning towards the chicken he was eating.

"When youse a nigga, there is no right time for eating chicken. When you got eat that muthafucking chicken" he half joked.

I just shook my head and gave him another quick kiss before leaving.



I rolled up to my brother's apartment and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. He immediately opened the door looking pissed.

I brushed past him and took a seat on one of the sofas.

"So do you have it?" He asked grindin some greens. I stayed silent trynna put together another excuse since I now thought the current was shit.

"Davina!!" He roared snapping me back to reality.

"I don't have it Jerome!!" I snapped.

"You know what baby sis it's cool..mission over since your not doing a good job I'll just handle this myself" he announced. "you can stop pretending to be his girlfriend now and move back in with ma in Cali"

"Jerome don't" I said my voice almost breaking.

"I knew not to get you involved in fucked around to much and actually fell for this niggah!!" He shouted making me jump.

"Not only did you do that you failed to report on his squad and just let the fact that Ziggy isn't even in Philly at the moment slip your fucking mind!!" He exploded banging the glass coffee table and breaking through the glass.

The sight of blood gushing from his hands made me panic. "Shit!" I shouted quickly running to the kitchen and getting the first aid kit.

We sat down on the sofa as I cleaned up his hand. "Vina I thought we were in this together" he finally spoke breaking the silence.

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