Chapter 35: The Bridges We Built (+Competition)

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Make sure to read the authors note at the end of this chapter! We have a competition for our readers, details at the end! Enjoy the chapter!

Zhara above/to the right! (In the Multimedia section)

Shoutout to @__Legendary__for your entertaining comments!


"Deon?" A soft familiar voice spoke opening my bedroom door just as I came from the bathroom.

"Oh, sorry the girl downstairs said you were upstairs and ... anyways sor-"

"Zhara relax" I laughed at how worked up she was getting. Since working with her I've realized she's quite shy and reserved.

"Take a seat ma ... imma just get my shoes" I said walking over to my shoe section. I was wearing a white button up with a pair of chinos, so I picked a pair of sneakers to match. Since me and Zhara got an A on the project, my first A, I insisted on celebrating by taking her out.

Zhara walked to the edge of my bed and took a seat, whilst suspiciously eyeing the scattered pictures and documents on my bed. I've been spending most of my time trynna figure out what this 'Ghost' nigga was really up to, and piecing shit together.

"Sorry" I smiled rushing to the bed and gathering the papers. " Who knew Deon was an undercover detective" she teased.

"Detective?" I laughed putting the papers back into my black backpack on the bed, "nah shorty that's not me" I continued shaking my head.

"It could be, you're actually really smart Deon you know" she smiled looking straight at me.

"'Course I am" I cheesed "I got you that A shorty"

"You got me that A?" She chuckled, "more like I got you that A"

I laughed as I moved the bag off the bed, and a piece of scrunched up paper flew out and landed next to Zhara.

She quickly glanced over it and handed it to me. It was the note Davina left me with the documents, I angrily scrunched up the paper again and threw it in the bin.

I saw a curious shift in Zhara's mood as she carefully watched my every move after I threw the note away.

"Deon you ok?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah, yeah just seeing anything that belongs to my ex-"

"-don't worry about it" she interrupted "been there done that"

"Aight well let's go cause I'm hungry" I grinned grabbing my coat and car keys.


I walked in behind Deena's dad into his office as he took a seat behind his desk.

"Listen Kevin imma keep this brief" Pascal said breaking the silence as he pointed me to one of the seats opposite him.

He had hella awards hanged up on the wall, congratulating him or his bank on their work. And baby Pics of Dee and a little boy that looked like him, and a Pic of Deena's mom on his desk.

"Listen kid the point of this ain't to tell you not to date Deena" he said then paused. I relaxed a little in my seat, people telling me what to do rarely works out, so a nigga was relieved this shit wasn't bout that. "cause I know that's the last think y'all gonna do" he finished leaning forward.

"But" he continued, "I know that you work for Ace and I know the type of business Ace deals in and I can't have you drag Deena into tha-"

"You ain't gotta worry bout that" I quickly jumped in, "Deena ain't never gonna be apart of that life"

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