Chapter 27: Decisions Decisions

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"Sarah? Sarah!!" I yelled walking up the stairs to my sister's room.

"Lay chill with the yelling it's too early" she moaned opening the door for me to enter.

"Sorry" I whispered as I threw myself on her bed. "shit" I moaned, as pain surged through my body. I was feeling better but was still not completely healed.

"What's up baby sis?" Sarah asked looking concerned as she examined my face.

"Err I kinda did something..." I started, sitting up as I nervously flicked through her magazine.

"What happened now" Sarah sighed sitting down next to me.

"I kinda kissed Travie" I blurted out.

"O-kay" Sarah chuckled, waiting for more. "isn't he your boyfriend or sumfin?" She asked.

"No!" I exclaimed. "Aaron is!"

"Oohh I see" Sarah responded biting her lips. "Do you like this Travie??..."

"Er...I don't know!!" I whined flinging myself on the bed. "I mean his cute and all me!!"

"Ok calm down Layla!" Sarah laughed. "well you definitely gotta tell Aaron" she stated.

"Erh I know" I sighed feeling hella guilty especially since I initiated the kiss.

"And you might wanna speak to this Travie boy and find out what his on" she continued. I was unsure bout that since things are now finna be hella awks between us.

After thinking bout what Sarah said for a while I decided to holla at Deena and see what she was saying, then remembered it was a school day so decided to text her and see what she was on.

After like 30 minutes of waiting for this girl to respond to my text she finally called.

"So I see nows the time when you holla back at me!" I said unimpressed.

"Sorry" she sighed sounding annoyed, but not with me. "What up?"

"What's wrong with you??" I asked concerned.

"Nothing boo...why did your ass summon the universe" she asked referring to my text.

"I kissed Travie!" I blurted out just wanting to get straight to the point.

"Shut up!" Deena squealed, "When?!"

"Err like Saturday..." I replied.

"Hmm and do you like him?" She asked.

"I don't know" I sighed in despair.

"Lay stop trippin" Deena said kissing her teeth. "you know exactly how you feel so be honest with yourself"

"And how do you think I feel?" I asked trynna get answers from Deena.

"Baby stop wasting time with trynna get people to tell you how you feel..." Deena started then stopped. "O shit Aaron" she whispered yelled.

"Yh yh I know I need to tell him" I monotonously muttered "I just don't know how" I admitted. Honestly things between me and Aaron ain't been that great for quite some time. And I'm scared that this is going to be enough to push us a part permanently.

"Be honest...I know it's easier said then done...but it's the only way boo" Deena advised.

"Thanks tell me what got you annoyed this early" I asked changing subject "And don't you have class?"

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