Chapter 10: Take Care

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I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was still on the bathroom floor, the left side of my face was throbbing in pain along with my arms. I slowly sat up against the bathtub, for support and thought to myself. My bathroom door was open revealing the state my room was in, what the hell was they looking for? I slowly stood to my feet, grabbing the baseball bat before walking into my room and searching for my 9mm. which had fell out my drawer and under my bed is where I found it. I dropped the bat and placed my 9mm on my bed, I was still a little lightheaded walking around as I eventually found my phone finding 10 missed calls then my vision got hazy,I put my phone down on the bed not even aware of anything at this point.

Turning around I saw the one with the afro standing at the door at staring at me. In one quick motion he locked my door dragging me onto the bed and climbing over me, I kicked, spat, punched all my attempts seemed to make it easier for him to unzip my shorts and slip his hands up my top.

"Shut the fuck up stupid bitch" He said said violently grabbing me back down.

"Ay, TJ we needa go!" The other guy shouted from the opposite side if the door.

"Fuck off!"

"Da'fuck is you doing my nigga"

In the brief moments he stopped I grabbed my 9mm and fired, don't know where but I was mad.

"FUCK!" he screamed falling to the ground with a shot in his knee. I immediatly got up and started hitting him with my gun and kicking him, I heard my door fly off its hinges but was too busy beating this pussy.

I was taken over by my anger and once I started I didn't stop.

They trashed my house, disrespected me, my family, my shit, along with everything else. I smacked him once more with my gun before I was pulled off him.

"FUCKING PUSSY!" I screamed before I couldn't breath anymore.

"Shh .. Jordyn I got you" I heard Deon's voice as he held me back with Travie stading beside him. and took me to the hallway as 3 guys entered the room.

"Let me go, I feel lightheaded .. I just need .. to go outside" I heavily breathed. I was shaking and tired.

"Aight" Deon let me go and I stood back resting my head against the wall with my back turned.

"You good?" Travie asked. I simply nodded.

As I turned I lost my balance, falling straight to the ground.


"Nahh, that's ruuude how's Jordyn just not answering my calls like that" I laughed as I turned to Layla who was sat at my kitchen island demolishing the chicken wings I had just made. Why are all my friends so hungry?

*Deena's most used phrases: 'That's rude' or 'that's disrespectful aswell as 'Your not bad' so get used to it.

"She's the one missing out" Layla shrugged putting a whole chicken wing in her mouth and only bring out the bone.

"Wow, Aaron what a turn on" I joked

"Shut up!" She laughed throwing the bones at me.

"You better know you picking them up" I said taking my phone in hand to call Jordyn again.

"This like the 12th time we tried her, she worrying me"

"Me too" I said as I heard the automated voice system and ended the call.

"Try the boys"

Ace - Jordyn's dad

I was standing in the airport waiting area as Jada(Jordyn's mum) got checked in till I got a call from Travis. I told these boys not to contact me unless it's urgent.

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