Chapter One

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Harry's POV   

I downed another shot, letting the burn of the alcohol run down my throat. I placed the glass down and signaled the bartender to bring me another round. I did this over and over again until the pain subsided. I staggered my way over to the dance floor and started grinding with the nearest girl. I needed to keep myself from remembering just how fucked up my life was right now.

Our sweaty bodies slid over each other as the music pounded through my clouded head. Her dark hair whipped across my face as her hips swayed across the zipper of my jeans. I felt myself slipping farther away from reality as the sights of the club became a blur. The girl spun around and her arms wrapped around my neck as my hands found their way to her petite waist. Without hesitating, I smashed my desperate lips against hers. The taste of patron lingered on her mouth, and I could sense her will to forget the world. My hands lowered down to her perfectly toned ass and I could feel myself hardening as she pressed herself closer. I pulled my lips away and grabbed her hand, leading her off the dance floor.

I dragged her into the dimly lit bathroom and locked the door behind us. As soon as the door shut, I slammed her against it and our lips met once again. I pressed my tongue hungrily into her mouth and lifted her up onto my hips, while she wrapped her legs around my waist. I spun around and placed her on the edge of the sink, my hand running up the hem of her dress. Her fingers stumbled over the buttons on my pants as I slowly unzipped the back of her tight black dress. Moments later, we were both fully undressed and satisfying our needs.   

Louis’s POV

I searched through the club for Harry, who was undoubtedly piss drunk. I had watched him down an unhealthy amount of shots a few hours earlier and I doubt he had stopped after that. It was almost four now and we needed to head home. I saw a girl walking out of the bathroom, readjusting her dress and fixing her hair. It was obvious she had just hooked up with some desperate guy. A boy walked out after her, shaking out his curls. I had a creeping suspicion that this desperate guy was my best mate.

As the boy lifted his head up, my hunch was confirmed. I guess Harry was taking the breakup harder than I thought. I watched the pair of them snake through the mass of bodies in the club and out the door to Harry's Audi. Looks like I'll be taking a cab home tonight. On second thought, maybe I'll go to Liam's, I wasn't really in the mood to hear the two of them moaning all night. I just hope Harry wasn't going to get caught by the paps.   

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