Chapter Seven

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Chanel’s POV

I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants discretely. Fuck, am I actually nervous? That's so stupid. Okay, but I mean, these boys used to be my life and I do still have a hidden poster or two within the depths of my closet somewhere. Zayn can't know that I'm nervous though, that's such a stupid little girl thing to be. Taking a deep breath and tossing my hair over my shoulders, I walked to his car. Before I was halfway to the door, he got out of the drivers side and walked around to open it for me. Gag. It's all a game to boys, they think they can open a few doors and pay for a few drinks and they own you. What dicks.

"Thanks but I can open a car door without assistance," I snapped. Zayn only chuckled and retreated back to his side.

Once we were on the road he glanced at me and said, "We're planning on watching a scary movie, I hope that's okay,” pausing to smile at me. “I'll be there to protect you if you get scared though, don’t worry," he added with a wink.

I turned so that I was facing him, "Do I really come off as someone who needs a cuddle buddy during some stupid paranormal shit movie? You think I need protection from a chainsaw-wielding psychopath that lives in a tv?,” I questioned. Maybe I was coming off as a bit bitchy, but if there was one thing I couldn't stand, it was boys who thought I needed protection.

"Woah calm down, Chanel, I’m trying to be nice here. Give a guy a break, geez," he defended.

"No, you're trying to be a charming young man who all the women swoon over and I'm not having it. Don't try to make this something it's not."

"I'm sorry," he responded quietly, not taking his eyes off the road. Great, now he thinks I'm a bitch. Well, I mean, I am, but still.

We pulled into a long drive that led up to a beautiful house. It wasn't ridiculously huge but it was still pretty big. Zayn parked the car in front  and got out, walking towards my side before hesitating. He stopped and waited for me to get out of the car myself before leading to the front door.

Before he could even reach for the doorknob, the door swung open to reveal Harry.

“Hey Chanel, you look nice,” he greeted with a grin and motioned for me to come in.

“You do realize I’m wearing sweatpants and an old shirt, right? My goal was not to “look nice”, it was to be comfortable,” I snapped back at his lie because I knew for a fact I looked like a frumpy bag lady right now.

“Well I still think you look great,” he responding, leading me into the living room where three other boys were occupying. I mumbled a thanks and plopped myself on the nearest couch, Zayn sitting down next to me.

Liam, Niall, and Louis introduced themselves, as if I didn’t know them already, and we started the movie. It was some stupid slasher film that I had no interest in, however, I would pretend to enjoy because even if I can be a bitch I know it’s rude to be disrespectful to a host, or hosts in this matter. Niall tossed me a bag of skittles from the other side of the room, which I caught skillfully with one hand. Just kidding, it hit me right in the face. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not super coordinated.

“Oh shit! I’m sorry Chanel! I didn’t mean to I swear,” he stuttered, but I only laughed, along with the other boys, whether they were laughing at my clumsiness or Niall’s blushing, I couldn’t tell. “Don’t worry about it, I probably couldn’t even catch it if you were two feet in front of me,” I responded. After we settled back down, I tried to pay attention to the film but it was just so damn idiotic. You know, like the “don’t go in there” kind of horror movie. And then of course, they go in there. I became bored shortly and came up with a brilliant way to entertain myself.

For the next few minutes, I gasped loudly every time something remotely frightening happened. I even managed to shed a fake tear or two. By now the boys had noticed, and were whisperings things to me like, “Don’t worry, it’s just a movie,” and “It’s not real.” Now it was time to pick my target. I couldn’t choose Harry or Zayn, seeing as I had already given them what I was planning on giving one of the boys. Liam seemed quite innocent at the moment, leaning over every now and then to rub my shoulder reassuringly when I cried out in “fright”. Yes, Liam seemed perfect for my plan.

“Liam is it okay if I come sit with you, I’m really scared,” I whimpered, pulling the best puppy eyes I could manage.

“Oh of course!” He responded, causing Zayn to glare in his direction probably because he thought he could protect me too.

I smiled at Liam and got up and sat next to him, and I mean right next to him. Any closer and I would’ve been on his lap. I will be soon though. Just then, another one of the main characters was brutally murdered (surprise, I know) and I practically jumped in the air in fake fright.

“Hey we don’t have to watch this, we can pick a different movie,” Liam whispered in my ear, wrapping an arm around me. I nuzzled into it and replied, “No no, it’s fine. Really.” For the next ten minutes, I slowly got closer and closer to Liam until I was completely on his lap, huddled into his chest, his arm around my waist. And now the fun begins.

Barely a minute after moving onto his lap, I shifted a little as if I was trying to get comfortable. Of course, I was only trying to move against his dick. Sure enough, soon Liam was doing some shifting of his own. It didn't work. I could still feel my seat getting a little stiffer.

As the movie's killer jumped out and stabbed one of the characters, I whimpered and buried my face in his neck. Whilst doing so, I managed to shift again and this time, I did a little more grinding than before. Liam's dick didn't take this all too well. I smirked into his neck as I felt him growing even harder. I could feel the outline of it pressed up against my arse. I had to admit, it was pretty big.

"Liam?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" he responded in a strangled voice. I tried hard not to burst out laughing.

"Is the scary man gone yet?"

"Yes, it's safe now." I slowly lifted my head and slid off his lap, making sure to let my hand find his upper thigh and grip it tightly. His hands instantly went to his lap. I looked at the screen as though it was fascinating, but I could feel the boys' eyes on me.

The credits were rolling with some horrible dramatic music playing in the background.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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