Chapter Five

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Chanel’s POV

I pulled my car into the Nandos parking lot only to see that certain dark-haired douche leaning against his black sports car. He smirked when he caught sight of me through my driver's side window. I sighed as I pulled into a spot and stepped out, my cream heels clicking on the pavement as I made my way over to Zayn.

"Hey Chanel," he said wrapping his arm around my shoulders and leading me into the restaurant.  

"I just need my phone, not a dinner date," I sassed, trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but unsuccessfully,.  

"Well I'm not giving you back your phone until I get to know you a little better." I groaned at his reply and sat down at the table we arrived at. Zayn slid into the seat across from me.   

"So, I can tell by your accent that you're not from around here. The States right?" He asked after we ordered our drinks. I sighed once again. I guess I was going to have to try to be nice, so I can get my phone back.  

"Yeah, I'm just moved here to London a few months ago with my best friend," I said sounding bored, because I was.   

"Why did you move?" He asked, seeming to be genuinely interested.   

"Umm it's kind of a long story but basically I just wanted to travel for a while before heading off to college," I said warming up to him a little. It actually felt natural talking with Zayn. He smiled at me while the waitress placed our drinks down in front of us and took our order.   

"So what about you, why are you in London, don't you have a tour or interviews or something?" I questioned.  

"The boys and I don't start our next tour for a few months and we only have stuff to do with the band every so often until then," he responded.  

We kept talking and asking each other questions. I realized that I was actually enjoying being on a date with Zayn. Wow, that sounded weird. I'm on a date with an international pop star. And I liked it. Well of course I liked it, I spent all of last year fangirling over One Direction. But a lot has changed since then.    Zayn and I talked about everything under the sun. From our favorite colors to our family. He was so easy to talk to and he was a good listener.

We ordered ice-cream after our meal and right as I was about to take a bite he wiped whip cream on my nose. I threw back my head and laughed at his actions and he laughed along with me. But then he did something that made my fit of giggles stop. He leaned across the table and kissed off the whipped cream. He moved his mouth to mine and gave me a sweet kiss. He pulled back and smiled at me.   

"I really like you Chanel. I know this is kind of bizarre, hooking up a club and then going on a date, but it somehow it worked out, right?. Maybe we could just pretend it started with this date," he looked down, blushing and my heart did a little flip. He was so adorable. It doesn't matter though, I can't get attached to someone I had a one night stand with. And plus I was just some toy to him. He could have anybody he wanted. He probably just wanted to have sex with me again, because let's face it, I'm really good at that. Most boys I had sex with practically begged for more.  

"I'd like to but we can't. Because we did drunkenly get together. Maybe we can just hang out as friends sometime," I felt kind of bad rejecting him, but who really cares? I don't want a relationship, or even a fling. I didn't want any sort of attachment. I wanted to be free. It's sad, really, I used to want a boyfriend, someone to be there by my side, but after my past experiences, I've changed. Zayn looked up at with, embarrassment clear on his face.

"Sure, that sounds good," he lied. I almost laughed at his face. It was a mix of shock and disbelief. I guess he's not used to rejection, him being Zayn Malik..  

Zayn’s POV

Oh my god, that was mortifying. I just asked a girl I had used for sex to pretend like that never happened. And she said no. Any other girl would have jumped at the chance to go out with me. But she's not like other girls. And I think that's why I like her.  

We awkwardly waited for the check when something, well someone, caught my eye. I saw Harry ordering food at the counter. Oh please don't see me, please please please. But of course, he turned around to walk to the pickup counter and sees me. With Chanel. On a date, if you could call it that. Anger flashed across his face and his always showing dimples were nowhere to be seen. He marched over to us.

"What the fuck, Zayn?!" He hissed.  

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