Chapter Three

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Zayn's POV

I dragged in another breath of my cigarette. I held it in for as long as I could before exhaling slowly. It relaxed me. I know smoking is really bad for my health and all, but sometimes it's the only thing that keeps me sane.

I closed my eyes and let the coolness of the night hit my checks. I tapped the ash off the end of my cigarette as I leaned my head against the bricks of the building.

Suddenly the door opened and the sounds of the club poured out into the alley. I looked up to see a girl stumbling out of the grungy building. Her pale cheeks were flushed and her black hair was all over the place. I watched as she took off her shoes and sat on the cold pavement. I cleared my throat, trying to make my presence known to the girl.

Her head snapped up and she look startled. "Sorry if I'm intruding your little smoking session here but I needed some air. The air in there is too thick to breathe," she slurred, swaying slightly. If she wasn't the drunkest girl I'd seen tonight...

I knew what she meant. The pit could get a little steamy.

"You’re not intruding me, babe, I was about to head back in. Care to join me?" I asked, putting on my best seductive tone, feeling a bit silly. What's the use in trying to impress a girl that can't even sit without nearly falling? She shook her head and attempted to stand up. Instead, she stumbled forward. Before her face could hit with the ground, I stepped forward and caught her. We looked at each other for a moment before she leaned in. I didn't know what she was doing before she leaned in, quite quickly I may add. I didn't have time to react before she was kissing me, hard.

I tensed up at first, caught off guard by this shit-wasted girl trying to swallow my face. After a moment, however, I returned her kiss and slammed her up against the wall. At this point, I just needed a distraction from everything. And everyone. My heart was still in pieces from the break up. A drunken hookup could be just the thing I needed.

I traced my fingers along the bottom of her skin tight blue skirt. Her hand raked over the buttons on my shirt. I knew where this was heading, so I let her unbutton my shirt, but I stopped her at my buckle. There was no way I wasn't taking this girl home tonight. I kissed her once then led her out to my car, practically carrying her. I don't think I've ever driven faster than I did on my way back to my house- you try obeying the speed limit when a girl that hot has her hand on your thigh. When I pulled into the driveway, I didn't hesitate to pick her up right out of her seat and carry her into my house wedding style,


I woke up when I felt someone stirring beside me. I forced my eyes open and immediately regretted it. My head was throbbing and the whole room was spinning. I focused my eyes on the person who had woken me up.

A gorgeous dark haired girl was sleeping next to me, her arms wrapped around my torso and her hands loosely clinging to my shirt. Ah, fuck. I did NOT sleep with her. Did I? Ugh I'm so stupid. I pull her arms off of me and sit up. Finally, after my bedroom stops revolving around me, I get up in search of some Advil.

When I return, the girl is searching for her underwear. I am glad she can't find them right away, because damn she is fit. Her black hair falls halfway down her back and her blue eyes are like crystals. After quite some time, she locates her undergarments, which were for some reason, in the bathtub. She quickly shimmies into them, along with her clothes. She pulls her hair into a messy bun and grabs her purse. Wait, he was leaving already? I mean I didn't expect for her to stick around but she didn't need to leave this second.

"Wait!," I called out, my voice scratchy from my hangover, " let me make you some coffee or something."

"I guess...," she trailed off, "but at least put some boxers on."

"Anything for you. But you certainly didn't want them on last night", I teased.

"Oh my god, what is it with celebrities being so damn cocky?" she exclaimed.  

I laughed at her outburst and quickly slid on some Calvin Klein's.

We made our way down stairs and she seated herself at the kitchen counter. I walked over to my Keurig and made her a cup of coffee. After handing it to her, I watched her guzzle half of the cup in a matter of seconds.

I hadn't realized I was laughing at her until she she snapped, "what are you laughing at Malik? I'm not the only one who needs a pick me up. You should make yourself a cup too."

I held up my hands, "Fine, fine I'll make myself some." As I fiddled with the machine I asked, "so what's your name, babe. And story for that matter?"

She looked kind of pissed at my question and opened her mouth to reply when none other than Harry styles waltzed through my front door.

"Hey Zayn, the lads and i are going-" he cut off, after seeing my one night stand. I bet he was too jealous to even speak. Normally he was the one to bring random girls home, but hey, I've got game too. And I think she's prettier than any of Harry's girls combined. As I was smirking to myself Harry spoke up.  


Harry's POV

I threw open the door to Zayn's flat, walking to the kitchen where I heard the coffee maker going off.

"Hey Zayn," I called to him, "the lads and I are going-" but I was cut Short from telling him my plans.

Because sitting in his kitchen, was the girl. The girl I had slept with four days earlier. The girl I hadn't stopped thinking about since. I turned to her and shouted, "You?!"

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