Abominate to Fondness (Willne)

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Wandering around aimlessly ended with Isabella literally bumping into an unfriendly face

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Wandering around aimlessly ended with Isabella literally bumping into an unfriendly face.


Isabella clicked her pen as the teacher dragged on about something she wasn't really interested in. Her mind was completely elsewhere as the click kept clicking.

"Shut up"

Was suddenly, and harshly growled from beside her, bringing her back down to earth. She looked to her left, seeing a face that looked like a slapped arse. Will.


She hummed quietly.

"Stop clicking your fucking pen"

He whispered with his teeth gritted. Isabella Rolled her eyes, looking back at the bored. It now being covered with maths equations she didn't remember being there before.

The hostile tone in his voice wasn't new to her. The pair weren't exactly Rachel and Monica. They seem to be more of a Rachel and Emily. It's wasn't as if she hasn't tried to get along with the boy. When they originally met, the two were less than 5 years old.

꧁(Flashback 12 years)꧂

Isabella was an innocent little 3 year old. Carelessly living her life. Her long blonde hair, platted tightly, running down her back. She had been attending nursery full days recently. She used to just do the afternoon sessions, but her mother suggested that the full day sessions would benefit her more.

Her attending full days meant she met a few new people. Including Leslie, the first person to welcome her when she walked into class in the morning. During the welcomes, she walked up to a boy who was sat scribbling on a piece of paper. She stretched her arm out, causing the boy to look up.

"Hi I'm Isabella"

She cheerfully introduced herself. The boy looked at her, eyes widened and mouth ajar slightly. After a few seconds, he notices his friends looking over, waiting for him to come and play football. He looks Isabella in the eyes.

"Ew, go away"

He pushes her hand away, standing up and walking towards his friends, making Isabella frown and tear up a little. She's never spoken to this boy before, and yet he's acting as if she was some kind of monster. He looked so friendly. I guess Isabella wasn't as good at judging characters as she thought.

She stood there, hugging her small frame before Leslie came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

She asked, her voice just as high as everyone else's was.

"That boy was mean to me"

Miniminter, Calfreezy, Wroetoshaw and Willne imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now