Long Time Imminent (wroetoshaw)

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He often spent his nights thinking about her

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He often spent his nights thinking about her. Thinking about her crazy curly hair, or the incredibly smart brain that lies beneath


3rd persons POV

Amelia griped tightly to the piece of paper containing the speech she wrote about abusive relationships.

Amelia was apart of many school groups. She was part of the eco group, snag, digital leaders and also was a prefect. At the beginning of each year, she would deliver a speech about a project she was working on, or what organisation the school is sponsoring.

She was well liked around the pupils. No one particularly disliked her, but they were aware of her work work work mentality. Amelia always put he work first. Never finding time to attend parties, even though she was often invited, never found time to go shopping with the girls and never found time for a boyfriend.

There was one boy however, who was determined the change her mind.

Harry Lewis.

The boy had been pinning for years. She was aware of his affections, due to him often letting her know. Always tapping her shoulder in class, waiting by her Locker and, as creepy as it sounds, following her around school. Amelia found it sweet though. It's not that she didn't want to go out with him. She just knew that she would never find time and her mother wouldn't allow it.

Harry was one of the popular boys. His friends spent their time going after artificial girls. Girls with dyed hair, makeup to fucked face and fake glasses to make them look trendy. But Harry decided early on in his comprehensive days, that he was looking for someone different. Which was when small little 11 year old Amelia, z's delivered a speech on renewable energy.

Harry watched her small frame, climb on top of a little step, so she could reach the microphone. He smiled at how confidently she spoke. He can still hear the passion in her voice now. His friends often tease the boy on how often he gets rejected by the girl, but he refuses to let them win, deciding to continue with his mission.

They sat in their cliques, waiting for assembly to be over. Harry however, was counting down the minutes for when Amelia came on stage. His dreams were answered, when Amelia walked on stage, paper in hand. Harry smiled instantly.

"Oh Harry's ears have pricked up. His wife's about this do another speech"

Jj commented, making Harry roll his eyes and the rest of the boys laugh. He leaned forward in his chair, waiting for her to start her annual speech.

"Hello! As you probably know, I'm Amelia Franklin. I normally deliver speeches at the beginning of the year and this year won't be any different.

On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men-"

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