Ostensible Unsightly Part 7 (Miniminter)

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With Danny long gone, only one name clouded Reagan's mind

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With Danny long gone, only one name clouded Reagan's mind. A name that belonged to a boy that was currently picking out a suit to wear to a dance, he was attending to with someone else.


"What about this one son?"

Mr minter questioned. They were currently sat in a suit for hire store.

Simon just nodded, not really paying attention to his father. His mind was too busy thinking over the events of 2 nights ago.

"Okay, if not that one, how about this navy blue suit?"


He mumbled. Mr Minter had noticed a shift in Simon's attitude. He always assumed it was Maddison changing his mood. Simon was a happy go lucky boy. He was up to do anything that benefited someone else. However, as soon as Maddison came into the picture, he quickly became the boy his parents feared he would turn into.

He stopped visiting his grandparents and began misbehaving and missing classes. His detentions levelled his achievements and the kindness in him, dissipated. But about a week ago, he began attending family dinners again and shopping with his mother. He was back to friendly happy Simon. However, it only took one day for Simon to become a grumpy uncooperative boy. Mr Minter didn't know what happened to change his attitude so quickly, but he didn't like it. He wanted friendly happy Simon again.

Simon tried desperately to get Reagan's attention. Calling her, texting her, knocking on her door, throwing rocks at her window. He even contacted Freya and Katie to ask whether she had talked to them recently. But they hadn't, not since their fight. Reagan was trying her hardest to ignore his plea to talk to him. But my god was the boy persistent.

Simon⚽️: Please talk to me Reagan.
Read at 11:10

Simon⚽️: You can't keep ignoring me.
Read at 11:13

Simon⚽️: I can fix things, I'll talk to Maddison.
Read at 11:15

Simon⚽️: Please, I'm begging you.
Read at 11:19

Simon⚽️: You can't ignore me forever.
Read at 11:23

Simon⚽️: Please, I'm gonna keep trying. You may as well answer at some point.
Read at 11:25

Knowing that Reagan didn't want to talk to him, made Simon realise how much he had really fucked up.

"Son? Are you okay?"

Simon sighed, looking down at all of the read and unanswered messages he had sent. He lifted his head, to be met with the concerned look on his fathers face.

"What's wrong Boyo? You haven't been acting yourself recently. Anything you want to talk about?"

Mr Minter questioned, sitting next to Simon on one of the many couches that were spread around the shop. Simon raised his head, locking his eyes with his paps.

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