Convert Cully (Miniminter)

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It's like he wants to make my life a misery

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It's like he wants to make my life a misery. Like, I can't do anything, without him commenting on everything I do. It's lowkey...very annoying.


Kiki's POV

I'm used to sitting alone at school in the morning. I usually get to school quite early in the morning. Reg doesn't start until 8:30 and I'm normally there by 7:50.

It doesn't usually bother me, I just spend the time reading or listening to music. I sat cross legged on a bench outside my reg class. I raised my arm to check the time on my watch. 8:00. I sigh, another half an hour to read a book I've read an unhealthily amount of times, before school officially begins. I wasn't always the only one, there were about 5 or 6 people scattered around the block.

All of a sudden, an empty bottle was chucked from above, and landed on my head. It shocked me a little, as I looked at the bottle on the floor. I sigh, knowing who it was. I look up to see Simon Minter, standing with his arms hanging over the edge of the of the balcony.

Bloody Simon. I've known Simon since we were both in nappies. Which at this point is 13 years, too long in my opinion. He goes on and on about my choice in lifestyle. So what I don't wear any provocative clothing, or purposely act dumb in front of people. To me that doesn't make sense.


I ask, looking up at the admittedly, good looking boy.

"Because it's funny watching you get really pissed off"

He says, his voice slightly louder, due to him being higher up. I roll me eyes. I get to my feet, brushing my skirt down. Approach the discarded bottle, walk towards the bin, and throw it in. I notice him roll his eyes, making me chuckle softly to myself.

"Why have you got to be such a priss?"

I hear him ask.

"I'm not a priss, I just care about recycling. Why do you have to be such an arse?"

I respond.

"I'm not an arse, I'm just very funny"

I scoff at his remark. Sitting back down, picking up my book. I then proceed to ignore the boy who has tormented me, even before he knew what that meant.

Time skip

YES! My favourite subject. Music. The lessons before this, consisted of me ignoring Simon's heckling, doing work and ignoring Simon's heckling.

Miniminter, Calfreezy, Wroetoshaw and Willne imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now