Naughty list (c. aird)

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Creds: amerrierworld at tumblr :)

Characters: carol aird x reader

Summary: carol invites you over for some Christmas wrapping

Warning: !smut!

Words: 3735
It was just a few days before Christmas, and Carol had invited you around to help with some last-minute Christmas activities. Harge had to go to a Christmas work function, and Carol needed help to keep a certain three-year old at bay who was most excited about Santa Claus visiting.

You were about to knock on the door when raised voices came from inside,

"Your own bedroom? What the hell, Carol, what sort of nonsense-,"
"I just figured, with your schedule, and you getting so angry so quickly, some time apart might help-"
"Help what? Jesus, woman, next you're going to tell me you want a divorce? This is bullshit. A woman's place is in a man's bed."
"Oh, and that's all a woman is good for, right?" Now Carol's voice rose louder than Harge's, defiantly. You wanted to tear away from the door, but couldn't.

A deafening silence.

"Don't come back tonight."
"No. I don't want you in this house. How dare you say something like that? With Rindy just in the other room no less?"
"She'll have to learn too, just like you."
"Get out."
"This is my house."
"I don't care! Go away, don't come back until tomorrow, otherwise you won't see me ever again!"
You gulped, and in the brief pause that followed, you quickly knocked on the door, not wanting to intrude any longer, and hoping your arrival would calm them. 

"That'll be Y/N," Carol sighed.

"Hm, at least she knows her place around here."
The door opened and you were faced with Mr. Aird, who's face was still angry and red. You clutched your purse in front of you.

"H-hello, Mr. Aird."

"Y/N," he grunted, before brushing past you. Then, in an instant, he turned  around and said,

"If my wife comes onto you because of her hysterics, you have my permission to call the police," he spat.

"Harge!" Carol screeched in anger, but he had already jumped in his car and drove away.

There was a very light snowfall, and a few flakes collected on your hair and eyelashes. Carol looked to be on the brink of crying, and you frowned,

"I don't know what he means-,"

"It's fine, forget about it," she waved her hand dismissively, her breathing  heavy, "come in. I'll go get Rindy."

You let her walk ahead of you, seeing the tension in her shoulders as she went down the hallway. Tentatively, you followed, hearing Carol say,

"Rindy, guess who's here?"

"Y/N!" The toddler screamed as soon as she came into view, rushing over to you.

"Hello, sweetie!" you laughed, picking her up to set her on your hip.

"You're just in time for cookies," Carol said as Rindy laughed and played with your hair. She pulled open the oven and the warm, sweet smell of freshly baked goods washed over you.

Carol approached you, bent her head towards your ear, and whispered, "I have a few more presents left to wrap, but I can't let her out of my sight alone. Will you distract her and decorate the cookies together?"

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