Chapter 13

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I woke up to hear the shower running. We only had an hour till Magcon started so i rushed to pick out an outfit. I decided on blue jean shorts that we frayed at the bottoms with a gray muscle tank, as they call it, that had a cheetah pocket. I decided on wearing my white converse and to straighten my hair. After Hayes got out of the shower I rushed to get ready. I took about a 10 minute shower and then dried and straighten my hair. We had 15 minutes until it started so me and Hayes decided to run down stairs and grab some breakfast.

"Oh crap! I left my phone in the room! I'll be back in like 5 seconds." As Hayes rushed away I threw my trash in the garbage and turned around to a very ugly sight.


She looked at me in the eyes with hatred in her voice and through a clenched jaw she spoke, "I warned you Lindsey. I said stay away and that meant STAY AWAY. Your gonna regret this BIG TIME. Did you honestly think you could get away with this? No. If I were you I'd leave NOW! If you do as I say I won't tell anyone about your dad, I won't tell anyone how your mother cheated on him with your principle and that's the real reason you left California. I'll do my best not to mention Jake either because I know what happened there too. So do as I say and all of this can go away."

I realized that tears were streaming down my face and I knew Hayes would be back any minute.

"What do I have to do?" No one can know about all of this so I'm going to have to do what she says.

"Leave. I want you to get back on the plane, go back to North Carolina, and when you get there I don't want you answering to Hayes' messages or calls, and when he comes over once he's home and asks what happened, I want you to tell him you hate him and that you never want to see or talk to him ever again. Do that and I won't tell anyone and I will leave you alone for good. I promise, and I keep my promises." She handed me a plane ticket that was leaving soon.

"Okay deal. Will you tell me why you hate me so much or how you found all this stuff out about me please. I just want it to end." I was bawling now and I needed to get going so I could catch my plane and not have Hayes knowing just yet.

"Lindsey, I can find out everything and anything I want to know. Now hurry along so you don't miss your plane. Remember the rules." She smiled at me with an evil horrid smile. She was so cruel to blackmail me like this knowing how much I care for Hayes.

"What will Hayes think though? He'll be worried I have to tell him something!" I didn't want to leave but I had no choice. If everyone knew they would hate me.

"Oh no you don't. I'll tell him you left and went home, that you couldn't handle all this and that you just wanted to go home and that its over. Now leave. I mean it Lindsey! GO!" I snuck back up stairs luckily Hayes wasn't there. I grabbed everything of mine and left. I looked at my phone just as I was about to leave to check the time. I saw Hayes and me on my lock screen and it made more tears stream down my face. Goodbye Hayes. I rushed down stairs and managed to escape out of the hotel without being seen by Hayes. I called a taxi and told them to go to the airport.

Sorry I didn't post ❤️❤️ but thanks for over 300 reads that's AMAZING! Hope you like my story and I'll try to post again today if I can! Sorry it was kind of a less eventful chapter!😁

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