Chapter 24

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1 month and 2 weeks. That's how long it's been since me and Hayes have talked. I've been here in Arizona for 2 months exactly and I honestly didn't expect to stay this long. I want to go home to North Carolina. Mom said we were going home soon but actually I'm not sure if we ever will. I hit snooze on my alarm and rolled out of bed. The time said 6am so I figured I had enough time to get ready without having to rush. Since it's still warm I just picked out skinny jeans rolled up to look like capris, my white converse, a tank top that had this adorable fringe at the bottom and an elephant print on it and then a flannel to go over it so it didn't look so plain. I laid down the outfit and went to shower. After I finished showering, drying my hair, straightening my hair, doing my makeup, and changing clothes I walked downstairs to have breakfast with my family.

"Mornin' sweetie! Hurry up and eat your waffles, it's already 7:07am and you gotta walk to school today!" My mom had enrolled me in a school here in Arizona because I couldn't go two months without an education. She said it was just temporary until we moved back but honestly that idea seems to be fading away more and more each day.

I finished off my waffles and told my parents bye. I headed towards my school which was only a few minutes away. On my way there I stopped by Sarah's house to pick her up like I do every morning when I walk. She came out and greeted me with a smile and then we headed towards our school.

Sarah finally broke the silence after a minute or so but it felt like years! "So you ready for today?"

"Uhh I guess...just a normal stupid day at school and then to the shop to serve frozen yogurt to little kids." We both chuckled because of my joke about the frozen yogurt shop.

"That's not what I meant, I meant are you ready to see-" she was cut off by a guy she had a major crush on walking our way.

"Oh my GOSH, Lindsey he is headed right our way!" She was trying to whisper but it wasn't very quiet. By now we were both standing at our lockers and we had 5 minutes till class. There was no doubt that he, Ryan Baker, was headed right towards us. I have to admit HE WAS A HOTTIE! He was tan and had light brown hair and emerald green eyes. Of course he was hot and all but I still love Hayes even though we haven't talked in a month and a half and plus Sarah likes him WAY more.

"Hey Sarah, Hey Lindsey... So Sarah I was wondering if you would want to go to the movies with me Friday night?" I was so happy for her because she had a major crush on him and she dreamed about this moment. Heck every girl did. He was the most popular guy in our grade.

"Uhh...yeah sure! Friday sounds great!" They exchanged numbers and as soon as Ryan had walked away Sarah and I rushed to class while freakin out about what just happened. Major girl moment.


We had just finished our homework at the frozen yogurt shop when the manager walked into the main room.

"Hey girls! It's time for me to go, make sure to lock up and go ahead and get yourselves some yogurt while Yall are at it but don't make a mess. See you tomorrow!" He walked out of the building and Sarah and I walked over to the counter.

"So what kind are you getting?" I looked at all the choices and topping and didn't know how I would choose. I decided on green apple.

"I'm getting green apple what about you."

"me too! It's my favorite!"

Before we knew it the pump got stuck and we were laughing our head off while trying to find things to put the green apple frozen yogurt in because it wouldn't stop spewing out EVERYWHERE. By the time we finally got it to stop the floor by the machines was covered in frozen yogurt as were Sarah and I and the majority of the counter AND we used almost all the cups.

"OMG HE IS GOING TO KILL US." We were both going to be in KILLER trouble if we didn't clean this up NOW.

"But on the bright side you look ridiculous." We both started laughing because it was all on in our hair and ruined our clothes but we looked pretty funny covered in green frozen yogurt. Right we turned around I saw Hayes and all the guys (Matt, Cam, Carter, Taylor, Nash, Jack G, Jack J, Shawn etc.) walking toward the door. Why in the world were they here? I quickly ducked behind the counter because I looked awful and didn't want to see them like this.
I heard the bell on the door jingle and I figured by the voices all of them had just walked in.

"WHOA...did you have some kinda malfunction?" I knew that voice, it was Nash.

"Uhh yeah, our pump got stuck but I was just about to clean that up I'm so sorry! Is there anything I can do for you?" Sarah stood behind the counter right next to me while I sat there on the floor hiding.

"Uhh yeah we just came to grab some fro-yo!" That was cameron. I really did miss them but mostly I missed Hayes. Why didn't he call me though and tell me he was coming. Why did he just give up on us like that? Does he even care?

"Oh okay here take a seat over there away from this mess and I'll get it for you." I sat there for what felt like forever while Sarah got them all what they wanted.

"Here you go! Sorry about the mess, hope to see you again!" I heard them all stand up hopefully leaving.

"Thanks again! This fro-yo is the best! I'm definitely coming back soon!" They all agreed to that statement and I was just eager for them to leave so I could stand up.
I heard the bell jingle then I waited a few minutes to make sure they were gone and then I stood up.

"Wait! No!" Sarah pushed me back to the floor just before I could even see over the counter. I heard someone come in so I sat there hoping no one saw me.

"Hey already back for more?" Sarah smiled and I figured what she said that it was one of the guys. I froze when I heard his voice though.

"No haha, I forgot my phone sorry," it was Hayes... I heard him open the door and then say, "will you do me favor? Tell Lindsey that when she's done hiding behind the counter from me that I'll see her tonight for dinner." How. Did. He. Know. I stood up and looked at him, embarrassed at the mess I was.

"What?" I was a little confused. Tonight? Does he think he can just come back to me just like that without talking to me in forever and not act like anything happened.

"Tonight...dinner, at your house? Your mom didn't tell you?" I guess she forgot to mention a little something.

"Hayes, you haven't spoken to me in forever and you want to just come over and act like everything is okay? I don't think so." I was angry with him. Why did he think everything was okay because it's not.

"I can explain...I was grounded for a while and I finally got it back after like 2 weeks and I was gonna FaceTime you that night and kinda surprise you and tell you that I was coming to Arizona but I accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet. I just got this phone like yesterday for the trip because my mom said I needed one if I was going far away. I was happy though my old phone was crap!" He kinda chuckled then his face grew serious. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Lindsey, if you thought for one second that I didn't care anymore or didn't love you anymore you were totally wrong. I could never stop thinking about you the whole time you were away. I even cried. I loved you then and I love you even more now. Never forget that." I was in awe. I missed him so much and I was so glad that he still cared for me. I thought he forgot me.

He crashed his lips into mine and gave me a quick kiss. He pulled away and smiled at me. I was still embarrassed of how I looked but I was starting to care less.

"I really have to go but I'll see you tonight. Bye I love you." He rushed out the door and I couldn't stop smiling. Sarah and I cleaned up the floor and the shop then closed up and headed home.

I missed Hayes so much.

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