Chapter 37: The Elusive Photographer

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——-Author's Note——-

The music in the multimedia is from the first episode of series two The Christmas Invasion!



Doctor's POV:

The Doctor stepped out of the Tardis to be faced with Torchwood Tower.

"It's Christmas!" Rose yelled from his right.

The Doctor looked over to see the local area of Cardiff decorated with lights and greens for the Earth holiday. "Ah so it is."

"I wonder what the date is? Come on let's go inside!" Rose ran for the doors of the building with the Doctor following in her wake.

They hadn't been inside two seconds when he heard a familiar scream, "Rosie!"

"Sadie!" Rose picked up her sister.

"Sadie where are you?!" Jackie's voice came from somewhere down the hall.

"Mummy! Rosie's here!" Sadie yelled as her mother darted into the room.

"Ro-Bad Wolf!"

The Doctor noticed the struggle Jackie had in calling her daughter by her new nickname, but he suspected she would get used to it fairly quickly.

"What are you two doing here?"

The Doctor just managed to jump backwards in time to avoid the slap to the face he had anticipated. "Ha! Finally!"

Rose's POV:

"What are you two doing here?"

Rose laughed as the Doctor jumped back to avoid a slap across the face from her mother.

"Ha! Finally!" The Doctor cheered at his near miss.

"It's a long story." Rose put down her sister who ran off to play somewhere in the lobby.

Jackie stood there quietly as Rose and the Doctor took turns explaining the mysteriously appearing pictures and how they were looking for who took them.

"I see, well it wasn't me." Jackie responded when the two had finished their tale.

"Oh! Mum what's the date?" Rose asked.

"December 21st 2014." Her mum replied.

"I told you it was almost Christmas!" Rose whipped around to face the Doctor.

"I never said it wasn't." He smiled down at her.

Doctor's POV:

"Anyway, Jack is upstairs, and I think he would kill me if I didn't make you two go say hello to him on your rare visits." Jackie said as the Doctor smiled down at Rose.

"Well then let's go say hello!" He said taking Rose's hand and leading her up towards Jack's office.

Rose tapped lightly on the door only moments before Jack answered.

"Doc! Wolfy!" Jack kissed each of them in greeting, which shocked them both to say the least.

"Hello Jack." Rose said glaring slightly at a smug looking Mr. Harkness.

"What brings you two to Cardiff?" He asked.

The Doctor and Rose explained their mission once more, but the ex-Timelord noticed the fidgety energy that overcame the ex-time agent as they told their story.

"You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with this...would you?" The Doctor asked a little too innocently.

"Wh-what n-no! I would never!" Jack stuttered.

The Doctor looked over at Rose and smiled, he knew they had found their photographer. He should have seen that coming.

"It was you!" Rose gasped.

"Okay fine it was me!" Jack threw his hands in the air in frustration. "I didn't think you two were ever going to figure it out!"

"What do you mean?" Rose asked.

"Well let's put it this way, I wasn't on Mars testing the polar ice caps!" He laughed.

"That's why you were acting so weird that day." The Doctor piped.

"I thought for sure after that you guys would get it but you never did."


Rose's POV:

Rose and the Doctor had gone back to the Tardis and fallen into a fit of laughter after finding that Jack was their elusive photographer.

When they had regained as much of their sanity as they still possessed, they had gone off to do separate things.

Rose was pretty sure the Doctor was doing something under the main console, while Rose had gone to clean up the screening room from the previous night.

She was placing some of the blankets back in the closet when she heard the Doctor calling her from the console room.

Probably some new gadget that I will have no idea what it does. Rose giggled as she walked down the corridors.

Rose gasped when she finally made her way to where the Doctor was waiting for her. "Happy Christmas!" He called.

He had strung Christmas lights around the console and the coral designed pillars, placed garland around the scaffolding like loft, and had brought in a tree for the pair to decorate.

"This is beautiful Doctor!" He walked forward and simply pointed up.

Hanging in the doorway to the corridor where Rose was standing was mistletoe.

Rose giggled at the Doctor's sly smile. "So are you going to kiss me or are we going to go fight a werewolf?" Rose laughed.

"That's up to you?" The Doctor leaned in and kissed her.

She truly loved her Doctor, and hoped the pair of them never had to be separated again, and she knew he felt the same.


I hope you all liked the chapter!



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