Chapter 26: Who Wants To Live Forever

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——-Author's Note——-

Thank you all for reading! I'm glad you like the story!

I'm sorry that I haven't been updating, I've been busy with finals and Drivers Ed and things of that nature, but here's another update!


Doctor's POV:

After they left 21 year old Sadie, they had gone to see the present Sadie. That had only seemed to upset Rose more. After they'd gotten back to the Tardis she had gone straight to her room, and locked herself in.

At that point the Doctor decided that the best thing to do was give her some time to think about what just happened.

He wandered the halls of the Tardis; passing rooms that he hadn't entered in years. The Doctor had a room of computers that he used more than some of the other rooms on this hall, but he still only used it rarely. Another room was one that he didn't even know why it existed; a ball pit room, it was probably a good thing that none of his companions ever found that room. The Doctor walked down another corridor to one of the most used doors in the Tardis. His bedroom door.

He turned the handle and walked into the half kept room. The bed was made because he didn't sleep much, but there were sticky notes everywhere; reminding him of miscellaneous things, and papers were messily piled on a desk in the corner. Despite the mess, the room was home to the lonely traveler, a lamp hung from the ceiling, glowing at any brightness the Doctor so desired; right then the bronze lamp cast off a warm, dim glow.

Pictures were hung in random areas around the room some framed, others hung with tacks or tape. It was saddening to look at the pictures and realize how many of the people in those photos were now dead.

The Doctor shook off the thought as he walked across the shaggy blue carpet to his bedside table. On it sat three things, a reading lamp, a photo album of his own, and a vase. In the vase was a perfect rose that he replaced daily with another from the Tardis' garden room. The Doctor looked down at the rose and decided the next room he was going to was the garden room.

Rose's POV:

Rose laid on her bed with her eyes closed, trying to take everything in. "My sister will have to leave this universe when she turns 21. My mum and dad will most likely go with her. Donna just lost her memory because of the Metacrisis." Rose thought to herself, "Stop it! You're only depressing yourself."

She decided to think about some of the better things. "I still have 17 years with my sister, my mum and my dad. The universe is safe for now. Donna is also safe." She thought. Then the number one thing came to her mind, "I'm traveling with the Doctor again!"

Rose opened her eyes and looked over at her walls which were at that time showing some point in deep space that she didn't recognize, before getting up. She walked to the door with quiet sock feet and headed down the corridors to the Library and got her photo album.

Sitting down in one of the chairs, Rose opened to the next blank page and added her newest photos and gave them labels; The Stolen Earth and Journey's End.

Doctor's POV:

After replacing the rose, the Doctor laid down on his bed and stared at the lamp. He began to think of everyone he'd lost and a Queen song came into his head; Who Wants To Live Forever.

Who wants to live forever?

Who wants to live forever?

Ohhh, Who dares to love forever, ooo,

When love must die.

But when I think of Rose I think of a different line from the song.

And we can have forever,

And we can love forever,

Forever is our today.

By then the Doctor wished that he could just drift off into sleep, but sadly he couldn't, so he decided to busy himself and go watch Star Trek Into Darkness in the screening room.

On his way there, he noticed Rose wasn't in her room, so he took his best guess of where she was and walked to the Library. Sure enough that's where she was, her photo album in her lap.

"Hello," The Doctor said.

Rose jumped and looked up at him with fake loathing, "Doctor you scared me to death!"

The Doctor smiled at her.

Rose's POV:

The Doctor smiled at Rose, and she couldn't help but smile back at him. He pulled a chair up next to hers and looked over her shoulder at the most recent page of pictures.

"The Stolen Earth and Journey's End...I like that!" He piped.

"Thanks," Rose flipped through some of the other pages.


After talking for a couple of hours about random topics, Rose headed off to bed.


I hope you all liked this chapter!

Please rate from 1-10 in the comments!

-I am the Timelord, Tribute, Storm Trooper, Detective, Hunter, Minecrafter. Warrior, Wizard, Hobbit, Demigod of The Star Fleet!


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