Chapter 31: Needles

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---Author's Note---

I know this is a quick update, considering I just updated yesterday! So consider yourselves lucky!!! I just had a really good idea and I wanted to write it before I forgot it.

Anyways on to the story!



Doctor's POV:

Rose went to bed, and the Doctor was left to his own thoughts. The wedding had gone well, and Rose had seemed so shocked when she'd caught the bouquet. She hadn't looked over at him, so thankfully she hadn't seen him trying not to laugh at her reaction.

She had blushed when she caught the bouquet and he knew why, she knew what catching the bouquet was supposed to symbolize in human culture.

Although they had had a good time the night before, it was not long before the Doctor's mind wandered back to his home planet...and its destruction.

He got to work, trying to fix a few things on the Tardis' console.

After the Doctor repeatedly burned his hands on sparking wires, hot bits of the console, and other various things; because, he kept losing himself in thought; his hands were injured to the point that he couldn't even hold the sonic screwdriver. The Doctor gave up and headed to the infirmary to keep from further injury.

The cream that he put on his hands caused agony for a few seconds before replacing it with a pleasant cooling sensation. He managed to somewhat bandage his hands before heading to the screening room to watch a movie. He stood in front of the earth section of movies before he decide on the Disney movie, The Lion King.

At Mufasa's death the Doctor felt himself sniffling.

"The Oncoming Storm isn't crying at a Disney movie is he?" He practically jumped six feet into the air when he heard Rose's voice behind him.

He landed on his hands and knees, and only just kept from crying out in pain as spikes of pain shot up his arms from his hands.

Rose's POV:

Walking into the screening room Rose could just hear the Doctor sniffling over the dramatic music of The Lion King.

"The Oncoming Storm isn't crying at a Disney movie is he?" The Doctor jumped out of his chair and landed on his hands and knees. He winced in pain and Rose rushed to his side to see his hands bandaged. "I'm sorry!" She cried, taking one of his wrists in her hand, and inspecting the poorly wrapped bandages.

"Its fine," He tried to pull his hand away, but she wouldn't let him.

"You are not fine," Rose paused the movie, and helped the Doctor up. "We are going back to the infirmary so I can wrap your hands correctly."


"What did you do?!" Rose asked, gently taking the bandages off his hands.

"I was working on the console and- burned my hands on bits and pieces of the console." The Doctor winced as Rose got both sets of bandages off and put his hands under the running water of the sink to rinse off the burns.

"Some of these are pretty severe burns, if they aren't third degree, they're close." Turning off the tap Rose walked over to the drawer and grabbed the bandages.

"I know they're bad, I don't know why I was so careless, I just wasn't focusing on what I was doing."

She glanced over at the Doctor, who's looking at the floor, he obviously had no intention of speaking his thoughts, so Rose decided to turn her attention back to the burns on his hands. "Do you want to let your hands air dry, or have me towel dry them?"

His eyes widened at the thought of Rose touching his wounded hands. He gulped before he spoke, "Uh...I think I'll let them air dry."

"Thought so," Rose allowed herself a small smile.

When his hands were dry, Rose began her attempt to wrap them but the Doctor kept wincing, jerking his hands back, or not letting her anywhere near them.

Rose sighed, she hated seeing him in pain, but she needed to put the bandages on his hands. Rose turned and saw a syringe sitting on the counter and a note next to it.

Picking up the note, she began to read to herself. This will help if you can get the Doctor to use it. -The Tardis

"Here, this should help." Rose turned around holding the syringe and the Doctor scrabbled backwards, trying not to use his hands.

"No! Absolutely not!" He shouted, backing up until he ran into the wall that was the furthest from her.

Rose was completely confused for a moment before it dawned on her. "Doctor, are you afraid of needles?"

He took a deep breath before replying. "Yes, I'm afraid of needles...I know it's stupid, I can face off with Daleks and Cybermen, but I can't get one little shot."

"Doctor, it's not stupid, everyone has their fears. For instance, I'm terrified of spiders." She piped, walking over to the Doctor, making him think that she had put the syringe down.

"Really-" He didn't get to finish his sentence because Rose sunk the syringe into his neck and pressed down the plunger, and the Doctor slid down the wall; unconscious.

Rose wrapped his hands in bandages before putting a pillow behind his head and tucking a blanket around his shoulders. Kissing him on the top of the head She walked over to the counter and left him a note before going to the library.

Once Rose's photo album was in her lap she put her pictures in and labeled the most recent pictures Needles. She smiled to herself about the Doctor's fear.

Rose shook my head, it was things like that that made her forget he wasn't human...but then again, that didn't matter anymore, because they were both Time Angels.

Rose tried to read a book, but to no avail, she eventually drifted into sleep.

Doctor's POV:

When the Doctor woke, he was laying on the floor of the infirmary with a pillow and blanket. It took him a few moments to remember what had happened and why he was curled up on the infirmary floor.

Glancing across the room, a piece of paper caught his eye. The Doctor stood slowly and walked to the paper.

Sorry about knocking you out, but it needed to be done. If you are mad I understand, but I hope you aren't!

Love you!

-Love Rose

The Doctor had to read the note a couple of times before it fully registered with him that Rose thought he might be mad at her. The Doctor darted down the hall to her room, but she wasn't there. He checked the control room and the trampoline room but she was not there either. The Doctor felt the panic begin to course through his veins but he forced it down. There was one more place she might be.

The Doctor darted down the corridor to the library and his knees became weak with relief when he saw her curled up asleep in one of the chairs. He managed to push a chair near hers and sit down, soon drifting into sleep himself.


I hope you all enjoyed!

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