Chapter 2

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[ Author's Note : Hiii i have nothing to say heheh bye bye and hope u enjoy tehehh im gonna be evil teheheh bye thheheh]

Lets begin 

No One POV:

[Mina : Hello My name is Myoui Mina it's nice to meet you]

[Mr.Son : Hello its nice to meet you Mina i want to introduce you to my son please introduce your self]

[Chaeyoung : Hi I am Son Chaeyoung its nice to meet you]

[Chaeyoung : Hi I am Son Chaeyoung its nice to meet you]

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[Mina : Yes its nice to meet you too] Mina smiled 

Chaeyoung didn't want to be there because there forcing her to being a boy and wanting her to marry a girl

[Mr. Myoui : well lets get to business Mina the reason why i called you here is because you will get married with this young man right here its because....]

Mina interrupted her father and said

[Mina : because you want to combine both company's am i right father??]

He nodded

[Mina : So its a forced marriage??]

[Mrs : Myoui : Yes it is and you will not be refusing]

[Mina : i never said i was refusing but why marriage out of all things??]

[Mr. Son : Because we want to expand the company]

[Mina : Hey Father why didn't you choose my sister instead of me?]

[Mr. Myoui : Because she refused and your the second daughter so thats why we choose you]

Mina was lost in thought because she doesn't feel alright she feels like something is coming out of her down there but she ignored it but then she started to have cramps but ignored it too


Mina they were calling her name and Mina responded 

[Mina : Alright ill do it ]

[ Mr. Son and Mr. Myoui and Mrs. Son and Mrs. Myoui : REALLY]

[Mina : Yes But on 3 conditions]

[Mr. Son : What are they??]

Mina : these are my condition 
1 : Me and Chaeyoung will move in together so we can get to know each other because if the whole world knows that we will get married they must not suspect that its forced
2 : we will sleep in separate beds
3 : we have to be in the same schools ]

They agree to this and Mina looked at Chaeyoung

[Mina : So what do you say Chaeyoung??]

[Chaeyoung : i have no objections]

[Mina : ok then i guess thats it for today]

They ended the meeting and Chaeyoung and Mina exchanged contact info and was heading home

The parents went out first and then Mina stood up and was headed out the door until Mina felt someone put there arms around her waist  Mina was startled

[Mina : What are you doing to me ]

[Chaeyoung : i was trying to cover you here where this around your waist and also why did you wear white out of all the colors]

[Mina : what do you mean ]

[Chaeyoung : your on your period and your dress is stained]

Mina was embarrassed and left the room fast and went to her car and went zoom zoom home like the flash

Chaeyoung was surprised but  and said cute then smiled a little and headed to the car

Chaeyoung's POV :

[Mr : Son : So Chae What did u think about Mina ??]

[ Chaeyoung : She is alright ill accept the Marriage father]

Chaeyoung's Thoughts 

She is not alright she is kinda Cute *blushed a little*

She is not alright she is kinda Cute *blushed a little*

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Then she took her wig off

end of her thoughts

End of Chapter 2 also theheh 

[Aurthor's Note: Heheh sry its short but oh well hehe hope you like it oh and also i met a new friend on Weverse teheh bye now if u don't like it then get outta her thehe bye bye nowww]

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