Chapter 5

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[Author's note : HIII guys im back and alive im not dead heheh i hope u enjoy this and i will post this because i have band rehearsal today so i woke up very early to Finnish this so yeahh heheh enjoy]

The Next Day

No One POV :

Mina woke up and saw suit cases and was confused why they were there but then someone came in to her room it was her sister Momo 

[Momo : Hey sis you're awake now??]

[Mina : Yeah i am what's with the suit cases??]

[Momo : oh yeah mom told me to back your things because she said your moving to your Fiance house today so me and my friends decided to back them for you .Also my friend's left early because of school stuff and only or cousins are here


Momo woke up early because she put an alarm for no reason just a dumb reason but she was glad to put that alarm because she went to make breakfast for her friends and siblings 
Meanwhile she was cooking she got a call from her mom

*Ongoing call*

{ Momo: Hey mom what's up??}

{Mom: Oh hey Honey i called ur sister but she didn't answer so i was thinking she was still asleep so i called u instead can you please remind Mina that she has to pack her stuff cuz u know how she is she backs on the same day she is leaving so please help her pack her stuff well her clothes and stuff }

{Momo: ok Mom anything else??}

{ Mom : No there's nothing else i need to go to a meeting now say Hello to ur siblings for me bye Love u guys}

{ Momo: Sure Mom Bye love you too}

Back to the present

[Momo: So yeah that's what happened so now get changed and get ready cuz a driver is gonna pick u up and take u to live with your fiance ]

Mina went and got changed and headed with her suit cases and put them in the car and headed to her future house

Chaeyoung's POV 

I was already at my future house that im supposed to live with my fiance because i live here for so many years so i can't move so what the hell was the point of telling me to pack my stuff if i live in this house ugh what a pain

[Butler Sebastian : Chaeyoung  she is here]

Chaeyoung puts her wig on and put her cold face on and headed out of her room

No one POV

Mina entered the house and she was amazed  on how nice the house is compared to her parents house

Mina saw chaeyoung and bowed chaeyoung did the same thing

[Chaeyoung : Your here *cold voice*]

[Mina : Yes i am can you please tell me where i will be staying??]

[Chaeyoung : well you will be staying in my room of course]

Mina was shocked but then understand just in case if people want to see the proof so it has to be done

Mina and chaeyoung headed to the room and Mina started to un-pack 

[Chaeyoung : can i help you to make it more faster to unpack??]

Mina nodded and Mina was organizing the closet

Chaeyoung opened her suit case where her clothes are and saw a note inside and read it

Dear Mina
I hope you have fun with your new boyfriend also i got you new underwear's and bras because i wanted to just in case if he rips them *wink* ehheh and also i got u some new pairs of clothes so yeah have fun bye 
-love Momo your sister

Chaeyoung blushed on what Momo said and decided to put it back in her suit case and closed it and calmed down

[Chaeyoung : Mina have you eaten lunch yet?? if not i can make something if your hungry]

[Mina : Alright let me just put my clothes away and ill be right there]

Chaeyoung left and Mina did her clothes 

End of chapter 5

[Author's Note : Hii guys hope you like it and enjoy it i have a band rehearsal so i tried to finish this as soon as possible so yeah i hope you like it and bye hehe]

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