Chapter 3

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[Author's Note : Hey guys im gonna be on this story now i hope u like this episodes and im gonna post this today hehe cuz u know i wanna be nice and give you 2 chapters one for this week and one for next week so yeah heheh i hope u like it and enjoy

*Disclaimer *
if you read that some people here are dating please don't mind me im just doing this because i do so and i do NOT like some of these ships but some i do like Taekook tehehhe  so yeah hehehe

Mina's POV

*Driving in her car*

When i heard what Chaeyoung said that im on my period and my dress had a stain i got so embarrassed and ran away........ way to go to me for making the "BEST" first impression ughhhh so embarrassing.....   how am i gonna face him tomorrow this is so humiliating 

I got home and took a shower again and got changed and i took an Advil to not cause any cramps 

I went down stairs and saw my mom and dad with some suite cases

[Mina's Mom : Hey Mina me and your father are going on a business trip over sea's and won't come until a month or so .......... so yeah ]

Mina's dad gave her a piece of paper with an address 

[Mina : what's this??]

[Mina's dad : It's the address where you and your future husband will live in]

Mina nodded and then her Mother spoke

[Mina's Mom : You will move in there tomorrow so today will be ur last day to stay in our house *smiles*]

Mina nodded and said goodbye to her parent
after that she headed up stairs to her room

[Mina : im tiered i wonder what tomorrow is gonna be like]
i stared at the ceiling and closed my eyes while laying on my bed i was about to go to sleep until i heard the door bell ring

[Mina : im tiered i wonder what tomorrow is gonna be like]i stared at the ceiling and closed my eyes while laying on my bed i was about to go to sleep until i heard the door bell ring

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I opened my eyes and i went down stairs and opened the door and saw

I saw my siblings Momo and Hobi and my cousins too with there Friends 
I was confused at first but then Momo said

[Momo : Rude are u not gonna let us in or what??]

[Mina : Oh sorry welcome what brings u guys here??]

[Hobi : we just came to have a sleep over with u is mom and dad not home?]

[ Mina : No they just left on a Business trip over sea's and tomorrow im gonna leave this house and go live with my future husband]

Momo and Hobi nodded but then they resized what Mina said then the turn around and look at Mina 

[Momo : D-did u j-just say F-Future H-Husband]

[Mina : Yup and he is Very handsome too so i accepted it]

[Hobi : EHHH so u are serious about a forced marriage??]

[Mina : yeah i mean it's not like there is someone  who likes me for who i am ]

Then Mina left and went to the other's
Hobi and Momo also followed

[Mina : Hey guys what's up??]

[Jungkook : Hey Mina so are u really getting married??]

Mina nodded 

[Jungkook : Really nooooo then that mean's ur Husband might get jealous if we see each other~~~~~]

[Mina : i know ur my best friend so why would he be jealous if i just tell him ur my cousin it's really not a BiG deal ]

[Jennie : Well your marriage is a big deal.  when are you gonna get the wedding dress ??Me and Taehyung will look with you since we are good with fashion]

[Mina : I don't know yet but ok we can do it together]

[Jimin : Oh hey guy's me and Rose want to announce something]

All of the attention went to Jimin and Rose

[Rose : Me and Jimin ar-]

[Jungkook and Momo : DATING!!!!!]

[Jimin : Yeah we are how did you know??]

[Jungkook well i mean in the k-dramas isn't that line common??]

[Rose : yeah i think you right]

[Jungkook : since we are exposing our relationship's me and Taehyung  are also dating]

Everyone was shook to hear that Taehyung and Jungkook are gay Taehyung thought that we were gonna get disgusted but then 

[??? and ??? : Congrats on you relationship !!]

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