Chapter 9

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[ Authors Note: Hi i have nothing to say except for the next 2 weeks i will be busy with my end of the year exams but i will still post a new chapter im just telling u guys this just in case well i hope u enjoy] 

A few days later

Chaeyoung's POV 

For the past few days Mina hasn't been talking to anyone she won't go out she won't even talk to her siblings she would only talk to me like she said she is comfortable around me i was thinking about telling her about my identity but now i think its not a good time *sigh*

[Chaeyoung : Hey Mina come and eat dinner's ready]

Mina came in quietly in the room and sat down like an obedient child

Chaeyoung's heart throbbed when she saw Mina with her face all swollen from crying a lot

[Chaeyoung : Mina look at you your so skinny you need to eat more alright?]

Mina Nodded

[Mina : Hey Cha- *VoIcE cRaCk*]

Mina got embarrassed and chaeyoung started to laugh

[Chaeyoung : Here have a glass of water]

Mina drank some water and spoke

[Mina : Hey Chaeyoung when are we gonna get married we haven't thought about it yet]

[Chaeyoung : Your right we will start to organize once you feel better alright??]

[Mina : No but im alright im totally ok we can start im over the death of my parents]

[Chaeyoung : Mina ..... you need some space trust me then when you think your alright tell me alright *smile*]

Mina nodded and Chaeyoung left to get her office work done

Mina POV

Omo whats wrong with me my heart why is it going so fast as if it's about to burst why am i being like this ever since he just smiled at me my face is hot ahh what's wrong with meee

No one POV

A Few weeks later

At Mina and Chaeyoung's House

Mina was feeling better ever since that day she started to become more active and act like her self now ......Right now Mina and Chaeyoung are going over the wedding details 

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