Chapter 3

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Minors:I'm back! And I'm Well! Hope you all enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think in the comments section when your done!

As soon as I enter the-what they call here-'Cafeteria' I am overwhelmed by the buzz of lively students, and the warming smell of Pizza,Chips and about a hundred other wafts of american food fill the air.

After I decide out of all others to take a Cheese and Ham Toastie(which smells delicious) I search around for any sight of Lucas and/or Alexa but no luck, Then I am startled by a spritely "Hey!" I spin around and its Lucas! 'Thank goodness' I think I sigh to my relief.

"Where is Alexa?I saw that you two are very good friends,no?" I blurt out-trying to make conversation.

"Oh er she said she needed to catch up on some homework ,so she is having lunch in the library,and yeah we've been friends since We were 11" He replies, even though i havent met many americans yet but Lucas has definetly got to have one of the strongest accents , like, ever!

"So I guess its just you and me for today" He smirks.

My insides do a silent celebration.

"Yeah…can we…um sit down? My stomach is churning" I ask

"Sure no problem"


"Wait ,what for?" He asks looking surprised.

"Uh…I don't know saying sorry for everything is a bit of a habit" I look down to the table for a second

"Well when you are with me- your gonna have to quit that,fast" he laughs as ge moves closer.


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We talked and talked for the whole of Lunch about who knows what , although I did find out that Lucas needed major tutoring in English and he said that I was the perfect person,given that I'm british but I told him that's not how it works , I still agreed to do it though partly being friendly and partly because I wanted to get closer to him. After what felt like 5 minutes , before we know it , the bell goes for 'Afternoon Classes'.

I study my schedule before I run off to Art before I am late, which is one thing I don't want to be on the first day of a new school. By the end of 'Morning Classes' there were no more dirty looks or glares and stares , which made me feel less freaked and more welcome. It is now smiles and nods which surprises me at how quickly attitude can change.

When I walk into Art, I see, sitting in the middle row behind a canvas and next to an empty seat was Alexa. She spots me and gives me a nice grin and waves me over to sit with her. Walking into this class was not like this morning where people burned their eyes into me as I walked into my very first one. The Art teacher does not appear for ages so I take the time to talk to Alexa, "So…" but before I could get out another breathe , she starts chatting like there was no tommorow.

After a full five minutes - 1:07 - she finally stops to ask a question.

"Can I see your schedule?"she asks hopefully, I hand her mine and she compares it to hers, turns out we are in 5 out of 7 of the same classes - and Alexa points out that Lucas is in all the same classes , apart from Art, as her. Her company will be a lot of help for now and the future-so I don't need to go places myself,get lost,then be late,which would be bad.

When The old and worn-out Art teacher finally arrives at 1:13 on the dot , the whole room falls from a roaring sound of chatter to silence where you could hear nothing but the shuffling of the old man's shoes, One kid - A jock most likely- shouts from the very back of the class.

"You took your time!" I took all of my will power not to retort.

The poor old man seemed to not even be taken aback by this remark, just turns to me,smiles then says "Are you new here , my dear? I don't believe I have seen you in my class before, come closer so I can take a better look at you".

I get up from my seat and walk over to his front desk, no-one else really notices because they are all engaged back into their own conversations while I look back to Alexa who is Smiling from ear to ear at me. The Art Teacher - Mr Bingsby looks me right in the eye and softly says "You look like you have great potential , young lady" I smile and blush , replying with a 'Thank You'

"Welcome to Brent Lemnin High , You will do very well here - I'm sure of it"

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