Chapter 4

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Minors: I'm so sorry I have forgotten about updating! My apologies x (girl in picture is Grace , actress in this Photo of 'Grace Parter' is Rosa Salazar)

When I finished my first day of school , I didn't realise I would have this much homework!

I was making my way out of the school at the end of the day with Alexa and Lucas on Either side of me - That made me feel protected in some way, them both chatting away and occaisonally asking my opinion on a disagreement inbetween their conversation.

As we walk out of the main doors leading to the 'Parking Lot' ang main entrance, I instantly see my mothers car due to her honking her horn at me and shouting my name , mortal embarassment fills inside me and I can't move- I'm frozen to the spot but I know that I look about as red as a tomato at this point, I can feel everyone burning their stares and glares at me again , I can also hear giggles not very far away from some girls.

Everything around me is silent apart from the continuous beeping of the car horn from MY CAR!!! After about 30 seconds of still being frozen to the spot, looking like a tomato and the whispers and giggles that come from behind, ahead and both sides- Left and Right , I can definetly confirm that I probably most likely look like an even redder tomato with Brown Hair. I keep my head down as I run to the car without even saying goodbye to Lucas or Alexa, I get in and as soon as she is driving away from the school under my strict orders I start shouting


I could tell she was sorry but I just don't understand , my mother has never done anything like that before.

"I'm sorry Honey, I didn't mean to embarass you in front of your friends"

She really did mean it.
Although how can I relieve myself from this mortification? How are you going to face everyone at Brent Lemnin tommorow? I think to myself, getting anxious.

I calm myself down by winding the window down a fraction and stare out the remaining window - getting quick glimpses of passing streets , America is very fascinating at how no two building are the slightsest bit the same.

                                                *  *  *

I arrive home and go straight up to my room , I don't completly forgive my mother for what she did but I'm feeling alright , I guess for now . I dump everything down onto my bed and slump down onto the bed myself. I start to get out my homework to take my mind off what happened earlier.

                                               *  *  *

Still doing my homework and its very late , I check my phone - its 10:54PM! Everything in the house is silent so that must mean that mum and dad have gone to bed. I embrace the very rare silence that fills my house.

Literally the second I turn off the phone and pick up my pencil that I get the fright of my life when something hits off my window , I look up - very startled , I creep over to the window , scared of what might be down there , but to my surprise I see Lucas standing in my front garden with his arm raised and a stone in his hand about to throw it , but then he sees me. I open the window and he chucks the stone away , I half-whisper half-shout to him "What are you doing here? Its…" I glance down to my watch and back up again "its 10:57PM!"

"Yeah I know , just get down here quickly and put something nice on- oh also make sure you aren't seen or heard"

"Er…ok…yeah sure 2 minutes" I answer with hesitation, I haven't snuck out before!

I change out of my comfy clothes which consists of warm jeans and a baggy jumper along with my slippers- I put on a sparkly top with a cute plain cardigan and a pair of nice skinny dark jeans , I slip on a pair of Black Converse , then I sit down in front of my dressing table opposite the mirror , I stare and sigh which is what I do every time I look in the mirror , I'm not happy with my appearence mostly but sometimes on the rare occaison I can look rather attractive. I apply a bit of Mascara , a tiny bit of foundation then Blusher and a nice Hot Pink Lipstick that goes well with my Hair, Which I take out of its pony tail and let it fall down at the sides, I very quickly run my brush through it.

I creep past James' room and I can hear a muffled voice inside , he is probably talking on the phone to his girlfriend back In England, who he promised to go and see every 2 weeks. I roll my eyes and smile then tiptoe away and softly walk past mum and dad's room where I can hear my fathers pig-like snores that are so loud I can hear then from here , I turn around and very cautiously go down the stairs , I get to about two steps from the bottom and it creaks so loud that Mars could Hear it.

I grab my Jacket from the rack and take my keys from the cabinet and head out the door as quickly and quietly as possible . When I get out the house I see Lucas is standing in the exact same position as before. "Where are we going?" I ask , my curiousity getting the better of me. He just shushes me. He looks me up and down with wide eyes

"I said dress nice , not…beautiful!" I blush and he smirkes , he takes my hand- sending a warm sensation all over my body , he leads me into his garage , lets go of my hand ,and jumps into what looks to be his truck , he drives out with no head lights onto the road and I follow , he leans over to open the door for me, I'm still getting used to the opposite diver thing , he says to me "are you getting in or staying here?" Smirking again.

As I get in and shut the door , strap in my seatbelt . I ask again "Where are we going?" Still confused, Even though we are driving through the street in the absolute darkness, I can make out his smile " I thought you said you've always wanted to go to a real high school party." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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