The whole car ride Techno was really upset but at the same time mad. After they got home it was a really big White House it was supper nice It looked like this
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It also looked like they just moved in Tubbo: Hey Phil did you guys just move into this house? Phil: yes because the one we used to live in did not have enough rooms Tubbo: Oh but will i get lost in this house? Phil: Maybe idk but don't worry Karl is going to show your around Tubbo: Oh ok Tubbo smiles at Phil, Phil was happy that Tubbo was getting used to him really fast Tommy was really confused because Tubbo was getting real close with Phil and the fact that they just meet and Tubbo is shy so it was weird for Tommy but Tommy was happy about the house how big it was! Wilbur was just smiling a lot. They got out of the car but when Phil opened the door Techno just ran upstairs and went to his room and locked the door and stared to cry but Phil did not know he was crying because Phil never saw techno cry and techno never really cried so that is why Phil did not know but Phil felt bad but did not really think no anything about it. They walk into the kitchen and sat at the table and stared to eat they were having a conversation. Techno pov All I just want to do is stay in bed forever till I die nobody will notice techno stared to cry and just laid in his bed techno can hear Karl showing Wilbur,Tubbo and Tubbo around Techno decided to sneak out but he did not know when he Remembered he had a rope in his room you know just for safety. After he got to the ground he ran and ran he knew were he was going he was going to a small river in the woods he made a tree house near the river so then he can hear the nice water if the river nobody knew his secret place not even Phil knew. I know techno just moved into the neighborhood but he has a lot of time to make stuff he just told Phil that he was going out but he just went to the woods to make his tree house.Techno went inside the tree house he had some clothes in there that were his he even made a kitchen and a bathroom it was easy for him to make because it was just like Minecraft he also had his own bedroom in there it looked like this
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Techno was going to stay there for the night he had everything in there. Back with the others Karl was done showing the house Wilbur,Tubbo and Tommy were sharing a room bc they were uncomfortable to sleep only. After Karl shows them there room they went to the living and went to go watch some tv Phil pov Hey guys have you seen techno come out of his room Quackity: Not that I know Ranboo: yea I remember that he ran to his room and locked his door I also heard him crying when I was going to my room to get something Phil: He heard him crying Ranboo: yea I was going to tell you but you were on a busy call Phil: But still you could told me after u was done Ranboo : sorry dad I forgot Phil: it's okay let me just go check on him