Hello Son

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the gate opened and when they saw how bad it blowed up when the explosion happened before they left.They only saw a few house still up but looked so rusty. They then walked up to Schlatt's house that was the only house that looked nice. Karl knocked on the door
Schlatt looked drunk and High
Karl:Hey schlatt are you ok?
Schlatt:Yes why wouldn't I George wait not it I mean Dream wait no it's it's-
Karl:It's Karl
Schlatt:Right yep that's it
Schlatt:Come in come in
Soon when they went inside they meet the others and talked then just went to sleep
Next day
Schlatt woke up with a huge headache so he got up and went to the living and got water but after he was getting he saw a boy on the couch that looked like his son.schlatt thought that he was going crazy but he went up to the boy to see if he was real.Tubbo saw Schlatt coming up to him
Tubbo: Hello
Schlatt: Wait huh
Tubbo: are you ok Schlatt
Schlatt: hello Son and yes I'm ok
Tubbo: oh ok and Big Q is here
Schlatt: Big who?
Tubbo: You know the guy that I thought was my mom when I was younger
Schlatt:Oh where is he
Tubbo pointed at the floor were big Q was sleeping
Schlatt: oh he looks different now
Then big Q heard talking and woke up
Big q:oh morning guys
Tubbo:Morning Alex
Big Q:Hey
Schlatt:Umm I will cook breakfast for everybody so when they wake up the won't have to wait.

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