The family is back

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It was... SAPNAP but somebody was with Nick it was Tecno. When Karl saw Sapnap he ran and hugged him Sapnap hugged Karl back .
Sapnap: Look so I found walking on the streets
Phil: Thank god you found techno
Everybody hugged Techno and Sapnap
Wilbur, Tubbo and Tommy were confused who what Sapnap
Phil: oh sorry guys this is Sapnap your guys uncle
Wilbur: Oh well hello
Tubbo,Tommy: Hey
Sapnap: Hi
Phil: Umm Techno can we talk
Techno: Ssure
Phil and Techno went upstairs
Phil: Techno i want you to be honest why did you leave
Techno: Well i left because you yelled at me and I hate when people scream at me I get scared and I was joking with Ranboo but I thought y-you hated Me SOooo I LeFt BeCaUsE I knew you HATED me at this point t techno was crying
Phil: oh I'm sorry I did not mean that and I would never hate you
They both hugged and went downstairs everybody heard Phil and Techno talking
Ranboo ran to techno and hugged him everybody was surprised that Techno hugged ranboo back.
Sapnap:Oh and i have good news the smp are coming to town so I'm excited for that
Ranboo, Karl, Techno,Quackity, we're excited
Wilbur,Tubbo,Tommy: the what?
Ranboo: Well it is a group we are apart of we can tell Dream when he come and tell him if you can join if you guys want.
Wilbur: Well i want to join
Tubbo and Tommy also said they wanted to join.Soon it was time for dinner Sapnap was staying because she had his own room there and so those the smp everybody in the smp are staying a Phil's house
Sapnap: Oh and the best thing is that gogy is coming too
Karl: Yess let's go gogy is coming
Tubbo: Who is gogy
Quackity: gogy is George but we call him gogy and he has a man be careful
Tommy: Who is George's man
Ranboo laughed a little
Ranboo: George's man is Dream
Tommy: I have a question for Ranboo
Ranboo: yes?
Tommy: why do you have gloves, black glasses, a suit and a mask like wtf
Tubbo and Wilbur: TOMMY-
Ranboo: No it's okay I wear this everyday I don't feel comfortable showing my face
Tommy: See guys stop how old are you?
Ranboo: Umm i think I'm going to bed good night see you at 5 in the morning
Tommy: sorry

Adoption AU Wilbur,Tubbo and Tommy Where stories live. Discover now