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Ladybug and Chat Noir are forced into hiding and each must choose someone to replace them. Little do they know, they actually chose eachother to take their place. 

Aspik and Multimouse.

When they ended up at a game-show they figured nothing could go wrong but they were oh-so mistaken. Their lives end up turned in every-which-way, but a little *love*sickness IS to be expected after a long ride on the merry-go-round.


"Done!" Aspik concluded. He laid a hand on the ground for multimouse to go in but she just inched away and morphed back into her regular size. 

"Hya!" the pink and grey superhero swung her jump rope around, creating a cage for the purple akuma. With one slick movement, the jump rope tightened the akuma, causing it to falter and die. She couldn't help but feel the bright stare from a certain green-eyed reptile. She knew she wasn't Marinette at the moment, and he acted so differently, he might as well not be Adrien. But he was.

"That was brilliant! Especially for someone as small as a mouse!" He teased, poking at her side.

"Stop! Besides, if it weren't for you, I'd be lost. I don't really get why our initial plan didn't work out." She pouted. Her sweet facial expressions had quite the effect on Aspik. Normally she was shy, but as multimouse she really did take on a different form (pun-intended).

"Stop the pouting, muffin! It was really great, I'll admit but our enthusiastic little friend over there had some special abilities he didn't show us- well, not now- and they caused our plan to backfire. But I assure you, your plan was perfect."

"Riiiiiight. Stop poking me!" The blunette shooed away the blonde's hand that had ended up poking her in the side, "It's not funny!" Just then her necklace began to flash, "Times up, Asparagus, I must be on my way. Good-"

"Asparagus?" Aspik giggled at his new pet name, "Where the hell did that come from? I'm pretty sure I'm at least a main course."

"Maybe you're right, you have always struck me as a little fruity... nevermind. Asparagus it is."

"Goodbye, mysterious muffin-mouse." 

Not bothering to poke more fun, the mouse was on her way. 

"Umm... Snake man?" The green eyed serpent turned around and saw Alec from Kidz+ hovering over his broken computer where the akuma had been.

"Oh! Sorry about that Alec. I hope you can recover the stuff on it... Need a ride home?" He always felt bad when things were destroyed because of an akuma release, especially when the items were valuable or had meaning. 

"The TV station! Hey, how would you feel about being part of a game series! Paris would love to meet their new superheros!" Aspik looked back down at the broken computer. He supposed it was the best he could do. Sure, his lady might have been mad but she's not here.

"Me and my Multimouse would love to! Just tell us when, we will be there." Marinette did like games. The snake brought the game show host back to the TV station quickly.

529 words

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