Did that just happen?

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I couldn't believe that they've just seen my banner. Oh my god. My life is just complete. Tonight is the best night of my life and to spend it with my best friend singing and dancing away to our favourite band just tops it all off. The concert is coming to an end and the fireworks started to light up the sky.

"Best song ever. It was the best song ever" Zayn sung his last note and the boys ran around and said their goodbyes. Louis came over to the side of the stage that we where on and blew me a kiss then shouted me over, I leaned over the barrier to see what he had to say.

"You and your friend wanna come backstage and chill with us for a little while?" Louis whispered.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"Of course. Yeah. That'd be great"

I replied.

"Come meet me at the side of the arena and you'll see a grey door with a red sign saying 'no entry' and I'll meet you there!" He said

I couldn't believe it. I was about to meet the boys. For the first time in 5 years I'm about to meet One Direction. I told Cheryl what Louis said and she couldn't even stand she couldn't believe what was happening.

We left the stadium and hurried around the side where Louis told us to go. We waited anxiously at the door. Scared and nervous. Cheryl was rummaging through her bag checking herself out in the mirror and fixing her hair and make up and I decided to do the same. We heard footsteps approach the doorway and with a push there stood Louis looking all sweaty and just absolutely gorgeous. My heart melted and I went weak at the knees and I thought at that moment I was going to die. Is there any need in someone being that perfect?

"Hi girls. Come on in quick before anyone sees you" Louis said as he pulled us in.

We quickly ran inside before any of the other fans could see us and with a bang Louis slammed the door shut. Myself and Cheryl stood there shaking and we went white as a ghost. My heart was giving me palpitations and I was finding it hard to breathe. He's making me nervous and he hasn't even done a thing. Is this even normal for someone to do this to you?

"So girls I'm Louis as you know" he chuckled.

"Hi I'm Lauren and this is my best friend Cheryl" I nervously replied.

"Well it's lovely to meet the both of you. Normally we don't do this type of thing, but your banner really caught my eye and myself and Zayn thought it was a good idea for you and your friend.. Sorry Cheryl, to come and meet us backstage" Louis explained.

"We really appreciate this Louis. We really do. Thank you so much" I replied.

"Oh it's no worries. You'll be thanking me later" Louis winked.

Oh my god. Did that really just happen? Has Louis Tomlinson just tried to flirt with me and give me a wink. No this can't be happening.

"Right girls the rest of the lads are just through this door if you want to follow me" Louis said while pushing at the White door.

I looked at Cheryl and she looked at me, we both felt sick but excited at the same time knowing that this was finally it. We where about to hang out with One Direction.

We opened the door and all five boys where there looking absolutely beautiful as ever.

"Right lads. I'd like you to meet Lauren and Cheryl. These girls are big fans and I thought It would be nice if they could meet us" Louis alarmed them.

They all came over and introduced them selves to us and they where so caring and welcomed us in a polite manner. For a little while myself and Cheryl just stood still wondering what we should do. Until then Cheryl finally had the confidence to move.

"Fuck this I'm going sitting with Liam and Niall" she whispered to me.

I let out a little laugh and left her to it and she quickly sat down in the middle of them, chatting away. God I wish I was brave enough to do that. On the other hand Harry was lay back on a sofa with a cup of tea in his hand and asked me to come and join him. I nervously made my way over to Harry but he made me feel welcome by giving me a hug and asking me was I alright?

Still my mind was only on Louis, and I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He was in the corner of the room on the phone to his mum. While Zayn was in the bathroom. Probably checking his hair out. I chatted with Harry for a while and kept looking over at Cheryl to see what she was doing but she was in deep conversation, being brave, flirting with Liam and Niall. Until then I felt a warm presence around me and a heavy hand was placed on my right shoulder. I turned around and there stood Zayn towering over me with his hair falling down in front of him.

"Hi. So you must be Lauren right?" His common accent spoke at me.

"Yeah that's me" I chuckled. "It's nice to meet you"

"No it's nice to meet you Lauren" Zayn replied while gazing straight into my eyes.

I suddenly felt nervous again. The same way when Louis spoke at me. He moved around the sofa and placed him self at the side of me and casually lifted his beer up of the coffee table. Louis was still on the phone to his mum and Zayn was making me nervous I needed to be brave.

"So how's the tour going?" I asked.

"Yeah it's great, we enjoy being on the road and seeing all our fans. They do a lot for us" he smiled.

"That's really nice you know, that you care about your fans a lot" I replied.

"Thank you, we love them and we can't thank them enough. They've done a lot for us in the past five years" he proudly said.

My heart melted a bit because I could see he genuinely meant every single word and that made me love them even more. The dedication they gave to towards their fans was something else and to be here with the boys now I have never felt so blessed in all my life.

"Right Lauren. I'm going I'll see you later" Cheryl said with a smirk.

"Erm where you going" I replied concerned.

"I'm just going getting some food with Liam and Niall, I'll see you back at the hotel later yeah?" She said.

"Yeah of course. And be good you" I laughed.

Cheryl scoffed and wondered out the door with the other two lads. I turned to my left to see Harry's feet placed on the table with his arms over his eyes. He looked so adorable and peaceful like that and I'm pretty sure he fell asleep. I looked over to my left and Zayn was staring at me. I blushed and turned my head down to my feet.
"Mate, why don't you go back to the hotel and get some sleep eh?" Louis said while nudging Harry.
"Wh.. What? Oh yeah sorry I will now" Harry replied in his tired raspy voice.
I looked up at him and smiled. "Lauren I'm so sorry. I'm not being rude it's just you know these gigs take all your energy" he apologetically said.
"No don't be sorry. I completely understand. Don't worry. Go and get some rest. But it was so lovely to meet you" I reassured him.
Harry gave me a heartfelt smile and have me one last hug and said "it was lovely meeting you and I'm sure we'll meet again" and then he left the room while picking up his boots.
Louis made his way over to the left hand side of me where Harry sat and gazed at me. I looked over at Zayn and he was doing the same.
"Well it's just the three of us now Lauren" Louis smirked.

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