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I looked around was he talking to me I looked over my shoulder to see if anyone was behind me and I looked left and right he laughed "I'm talking to you" he said smileing
"You can see me?" I said give me a break I've only had tate and James to talk to for the past year
"Ya why wouldn't i" he said with a small laugh
"I'm just not used to being notice" I said with a fake laugh I looked over his shoulder I didn't see Tate or James. He turned around to see what I was looking at he got a concerned look on his face when he truned back
"Holy shit your heads bleeding" he said putting his thumb on my forehead wiping the blood "come inside" he grabbed my hand and lead me in.
"Here uh have a seat" he said pointing to the counter he was sweet. He had thses deep blue eyes and a light blonde hair spiked up. I looked around as I saw a picture... Wait I know...him I saw the guy walk back into the room but how did he know

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