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Hey there, its me Zander...sorry I'm kind of socially awkward, I tend to talk as if people know me. Well first things first I'm 22 years old and I'm half demon, yea wild right? Anyway this is my story.

(6 years ago)

"Well well well, look what the wind dragged in boys...its little Zandy." Kyle said teasing me.

"I told you before ass hat my name Alexander or Zander." I said back.

Kyle looked at me with shock and disbelief written all over his smug face. His cronies were trying to stifle their laughter but failed, causing him to turn and stare each of them down.

"Seems you've grown a pair faggot." He calls back.

I smile and say, "you know your father finds that word offensive you should really watch what you say especially since your daddy's baby boy."

His buddies became red with anger as he stood up and walked over to me. Grabbing me by my shirt and lifting me off of the ground he pushed me against the wall.

(OK look i was smaller back then alright sue me.)

"What the fuck did you just say?" He asked me.

I smiled and began laughing "did I stutter pussy?" I asked.

He clenched his fist drew back but before he could strike me my best friend slapped him hard across the face.


(Yea I have a female friend 5 foot even curvy little blonde and when I say little I mean petite but still, that right hand is a real son of a gun.)

I stare in shock as I hit the ground looking from her to Kyle and back to her.

"Serenity what are you doing here?" I ask slightly embarrassed that she's always come to my rescue.

She just looks back and says "Baka." Then helps me up and dusts me off.

(Baka means stupid by the way, in case you didn't know...just saying)

Kyle gets up and storms over to us, he reaches his hand out but before he could I land a quick jab in his stomach making him lose oxygen for a bit. I stare down at the gasping boy.

"Were you trying to grab her by her hair you swine?" I ask in anger.

After 15 seconds he slowly gets back up and snarls at us. He snaps his fingers and they all leave, before he goes he grins and says "she won't always be around bitch boy, one day I'll have your hide."

As he walks away Serenity puts her hands on her hips and shouts out. "Touch him again and I'll hex you all!"

I laugh and hug her from behind picking her up causing her to yelp twisting in my embrace so we're face to face. She wraps her small arms around me hugging me tightly.

"Zander I was worried, what happened to you we were supposed to meet at the library 30mins ago right?"

I scratch the back of my head and sheepishly laugh.

"W-well you see what had happened was, I sorta got caught up in his attempt to get a rise outta me...sorry bunny." I say with a smile.

She looks at me like a wife would look at her husband if he came home too late.

"As long as you aren't hurt next time text me you know I have...issues." she sighs.

I think back to when we first met and remember how she told me she gets anxious whenever she feels like she is forgotten about or doesn't receive a text telling her that I'm ok.

I kiss her forehead and lift her chin up "I'm ok little hutch rabbit." I say smiling.

She removes my hand and walks away muttering to herself. I sigh, she is my best friend but for a while now I've developed feelings for her. Shame I can't tell her though.

As I walk off a burning sensation flows from the pit of my stomach causing me to double over in pain.

She pauses and looks back at me writhing in pure agony.


And just as soon as she screamed the pain was gone. I was covered in sweat and tears. Looking her in the face I smirk and say "I don't know what happened I just felt, pain."

She helps me off of the ground and we continue on our journey.

Thanks to Kyle and his gang of walking dick tips (thank you Deadpool) it was dark and the library was closed so we just decided to hang at her place.

On the way there for some odd reason something smelled really...toxic.

"Hey serenity, do you smell that?" I ask her.

She sniffs the air and looks at me confused as if I were speaking a different language.

"What are going on about Zander? I smell nothing but the city." She says.

I shrug "maybe, it's nothing" I replied.

We keep walking as we pass an alley the toxic smell gets even worse causing me to gag and vomit. All of a sudden the sound of a gun being cocked slammed through my eardrums.

A dark figure emerged from the darkness of the alley.

"That's a pretty girl you have by your side boy." He says pointing his gun at us.

I try to stand but the burning sensation returns even worse than last time. I scream and collapse into a ball. Serenity rushes over to me, only to have the man grab her by her hair and drag her back into the alley.

Now fuelled by rage I stand the pain meaning absolutely nothing to me I run back to the alley. As I turn the corner I see the man trying to force himself into her mouth.

I scream and began to lose control, I don't remember much but all I remember is being shirtless, the man's throat being ripped out and the look of terror serenity gave me.

I look down at the blood on my hands and on my face I sniff it. Well its not her blood nor mine and it gives off that same toxic smell as the dead man laying before me.

I stumble over to serenity "are...are you...ok bunny?" I ask her.

She nods and before I black out I hear her softly whisper "Zander, what are you?"

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